Chapter seven

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The apartment was cold when I entered it and a complete mess. Bullet holes pocketed the blue eggshell walls and blood shined on the sandy wooden boards of the floor. My glass table was all over the place and everything had been overturned and riffled through.
These weren't the only stains on my once sunshiny life though. Guy 2's blood lay pooled around him.
Sure he'd tried to stab me, but he didn't deserve to die. I mean, c'mon! He laughed at my 'your mum' jokes!

Catching the look on Destiny's face,  I asked lightly "You know him?"
"Uh huh; he was guarding me when I escaped. Killed me a few times for a laugh... Cunt."
The final word took me by surprise. I don't have anything against swearing. They're just words. But coming from the mouth of that kid? It was a shock which told me just how much shit Destiny had gone through.

Oh God! Feelings...

After a few moments, I walked into my bedroom; a space so plain it looked like the creative work of a dog:
Roses are grey.
Violets are a different shade of grey.
Let's go chase cars.

Walking over to my cupboard, I opened the doors, threw the clothes to the sides and grabbed out some of the weapons concealed at the back. I had everything from Stanley knives to machetes, hand guns to assault riffles. I even had a bazooka!
I would need more than that to take down Velvet though, but it would be too heavy to carry now, considering our destination.

Pulling a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a matching black t-shirt out of my draws, I slipping into them and out of my sweaty bloodstained ones. Next came my shiny black military boots studded with silver spikes. I also managed to brush my hair into a somewhat neat high ponytail and grab my black framed hipster glasses after being blind as shit for God knows how long!

When I got back to Destiny, he'd fed Lion and was now stroking my adorable fluff of grey and white husky.
"She likes you." I noted with a smile.
"Yeah," Destiny returned the grin. "I know the way into a girl's heart; food."
"Or a knife." I shrugged. "You want any food yourself?"
"I've been in your fridge, all you've got it stew. And pot noodles. And mini cheddas. And thumbs!"
"Yeah, guy called Christian liked to put them in people's mouths. Then another. Then another. Then another."
Unfortunately, Destiny didn't understand the 50 Shades reference...

Pulling a pot noodle from the secret fridge compartment, I boiled the kettle, filled it up and gave it to Destiny. Little did I know, but at that moment, I started him on obsession which would never end.

Once he was finished with his Sticky rib and I was done with my chicken stew, I decided that the best thing for us - or Destiny at least - was sleep.
"You take the bed." I told him, gesturing to it.
"No, it's fine. I don't mind having the sofa." He declined politely.
God, I need to open this kid up a bit.
"Well considering I'm not sleeping, you should really take the bed. I've got some old pajamas if you want them."
"I'm cool sleeping in this." He nodded to his hoodie before smiling goodnight, going into my room and closing the door softly behind him.

It was time for me to prepare the weapons, ready the transportation (walking), remove the body, clean up and listen to some 21 Pilots.

By now, the sun was dozing behind the houses across the street and dragging down a sky of pastel blues and pinks. Few clouds remained for the gem of the moon to hide behind and the stars sighed softly as they slowly started to come into view with every passing moment.

I lived in Brighton, England. It was once a thriving city with traffic round ever bend and convenient stores dotted around in many convenient places. It was a place where tourism boomed and seemed to provide sea and sunlight for those who sought it. (Well, maybe not always sunlight - it was England afterall.)
Now? The whole world looked dusty and sun baked with orange skies, dirt streets and fades buildings. The government's gone and so's most of the world's fossil fuels. On top of that, it's also like living in The Purge; crime is legal except no one can die. Surprisingly though, overpopulation isn't a problem! Because a lot of people tried to test their 'immortality', a lot of them went a little too far.

Me? After everything went to shit, that's when I was fired. It was also when I got in with Velvet. He caught me with the intent of using my knowledge from my years of espionage to become Queen Bitch. It was also when I found out the year I'm destined to die. It's what makes me so good at my job I guess; I know when my clock runs out so don't have to worry about running from it.
Running isn't really my thing.

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