Chapter 13

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Levy's P.O.V

After Gajeel and I had that argument we went our separate ways. I went back to school with Rogue and his brother Sting.

"So your a mermaid? That's rad man!!" Sting shouted.

Shhh!" I felt the curious eyes staring us down.

"Ha! What happened to your ugly boyfriend? Did he dump you because your a loser!!" Flare snickered loudly so everyone could hear. I felt I was going to say something equally harsh but tears started streaming my cheeks.

"What a crybaby!!!" Along with her the whole cafeteria laughed. My eyes widen when Rouge embraced me in his arms.

"Just leave her be!" He hissed while gently patting my head.

"I miss Gajeel.." I whispered.

"I know.." He gave a small smile.

Gajeel P.O.V

Where is she.. I kept thinking how I would apologize to her. But I was right! She should apologize to me! That thought held me back from telling her.

"I'll be with you Lisanna.." Natsu deeply groaned and gave in to the short white headed girl. Those words finally dragged me out of my thoughts as I opened my eyes.

"Oh Natsu together we will take over the world!!" She proclaimed with a profound pride. I couldn't do nothing about.. I stood like a innocent bystander.

"Natsu.." Was the only thing a could spit out.

"Take care of Lucy..." He waved knowing I didn't know what to say. He knew me too well.

"I'll find you a way outta their!!" I should proceeding back to the blonde who was now Human. I took the unconscious Lucy back to the hotel room and went off to find Levy.

Don't tell me she went back to school.. Those girls.. Oh god what if she's hurt! I went off to the school we both once attended and their I found Shrimp quietly sniffing at her locker. Now was the perfect time to approach her. "Are you okay little blue?" I heard a dark voice. I could see him clearly after Levy closed her locker, their stood Rouge comforting her. They embraced each other and I couldnt stand to view it any longer. I walked away feeling useless.

If she doesn't need me.. I'll just wait til she comes to me. If she does come to me

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