Chapter 10

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I dont know how long I was floating in the blackness of sleep that I was in. Days, weeks, months...I couldn't tell. Every once in a while I would feel sparks of pain, but I knew it was because my wolf was healing me. I figured the more often the pain would come, the closer I was to waking up.

I wanted to wake up now, I wanted to see my Jason. I wanted to ask him where he was when I was laying on the ground dying. I wanted to ask Conrad why he wasn't there to protect me. Why they blocked me out.

My anger began to build and build until I started to get feeling in my stiff limbs. I fought to open my eyes and when I did, I saw Jason by my side looking at me with concerned, but relieved eyes.

I looked around me and saw that I was in the pack infirmary. That's why there was such a strong sterile smell.

"Eliza.." Jason murmured, burring his face in my chest. I laid there, and didn't move, despite my wolfs protest. She wanted me to wrap my arms around him and make him promise to never let me go.

"Where were you?" I asked quietly. Jason looked up and he frowned.

"I was in a meeting...I-I h-" he started, but I cut him off.

"What? You couldn't be bothered to listen for my fear? Where the hell were you when that rogue was on me, tearing into my neck? When I was laying on the forest floor with my life bleeding out of me? Huh? Where were you!?" I screamed at him. He flinched and hung his head. He didn't have an answer. Anger boiled inside me and it was on the verge of consuming me.

"Get out." I gritted out through clenched teeth. Jason opened his mouth to protest, but I glared at him. "Get out!" he flinched again and stood up.

"I love you baby." he whispered before exiting the room with slumped shoulders.

-You didn't have to do that.- my wolf told me. -His wolf was already beating him up over it.-

'Stop trying to make me guilty.' I snapped. I knew that I was being unfair, but what would have happened if Vincent hadn't been there? I probably would have died.

Something beneath the anger stirred inside of me, and somehow, I knew what it meant. I took the IV drip out of my arm and took off the heart monitor clip and got out of bed. I looked down and saw that I was in a hospital gown and frowned. I hated hospital gowns. But it fit the purpose for what I was about to do.

I walked over to the window behind my bed and opened it, setting off an ear piecing alarm. Great. I took a quick look behind me before jumping off the ledge and landing 15 below on the ground. I ran into the forest and let my anger build and build until it finally consumed me.

A chain reaction went through my body and any pain that I should have been feeling, stayed unknown. My body shook violently and my skin reached an un natural degree. I sunk to my knees and let the change wash over me.

Bones cracked and repositioned, skin stretched over new surfaces and sprouted sleek fur. Limbs changed shaped and organs switched places. Chemical reactions took place and then...nothing.

The slight breeze no longer kissed my skin, now it brushed through my fur and tickled my now alert ears. Ears that caught the frantic heartbeats of on coming pack members and the sound of flowing water a ways away.

I slowly stood up on shaky legs and took a couple steps. I wobbled unsteadily and fell flat on my face. I growled and stood up again. This time when I walked, I stayed upright. My wary walk turned into a determined run and I followed the sound of water until I reached a small waterfall.

I walked over to the pool and looked down at my reflection.

I saw a large she-wolf that had sleek golden fur that was highlighted with silver that shimmered in the light that leaked through the dark sky above. She had large paws the size of plates and grey eyes that stared into the clear water curiously. This was me. My wolf. And she was so beautiful.

-We're beautiful- my wolf corrected. -Now lets get back to the pack before we have another run in with a rogue.- she gave a tug at the rein of control she had and pushed us to go back home. I started running back and gave a wolfy smile. I had finally shifted


Yes thats all for this week.

The next time I'm updating is Monday 25th Jan.

See ya.

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Thank you all, your all angels.

Yours Truly, I-

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