Chapter 34.

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I woke up, to a slight tug on my shoulder. Instantly knowing, who it was. I turned around, dragged the blanket towards me, pulled it above my head and dozed back of to sleep.

"Eli.." Jason pleaded, softly. Still slowly, tugging on my shoulder. After a few moments, he stopped. I smirk grew on my mouth as he I heard his footsteps leave the room. A hint of anxious, grew inside of me.

I waited a few minutes, nervously waiting if he would come back. Maybe he left? I wasn't paying much attention to him today.. maybe that was it?

Suddenly, I winced at the sound of pots and pans clanging together repeatedly. "Wake up Elizabeth, the house is of fire!" A familar voice, bellowed.

Instantly, I threw myself off the bed, and popped on my childish bunny slippers  by my beside table.

As I head for the bed room door I see a smirking Jason, holding a pot and a pan.
"False alarm" he declares, walking up to me.

"I hate you" I reply, rolling my eyes effortlessly. "You know you love me" he states, pulling me into a harsh hug. "I do?" I question.

"Whatever, come on. We have pack work to be doing" he comments, as reality suddenly hits us. I slowly nod my head, "I'll meet you there, I'm going to have a quick shower" I declare.

He nods, slowly walking up to the door nob, "Oh and Jason?" I ask, "Mhm?" He mumbles. "You smell good" I reply, with a small smirk.

He let's out a small smirk before twisting the door nob and walking out the door. I let out a small sigh, something feels werid with Jason today, is he not telling me something?

Maybe it was what happened today, everything just seems werid and new. Like how it was at the start of our reletionship, new and fresh.

I shrug my shoulders and reach for a soft, fluffy towel before heading into the bathroom, slowly.

- - - -

Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you liked it!

I kept procrastinating, I know these last few chapters have been a bit boring..

ALSO. I can't believe, we are on 9.6k are you kidding me?

I'm so excited for the future and yeah!

Byeee <3

New Update**

I updated a new cover, I'm not sure whether I'm gonna change it to the official one because the official one looks amazing'er!!

And this one's a little plain...

LIKE TOO PLAIN. *.*. Imma edit it..

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