Chapter 21.

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I wake up on the hard ground, piercing screams fill the cell as I hear victims getting tortured.

My head aches, as I fail to remember what happened the day before.

My eyes scatter around the cell, looking for Skylar.

My stomach churns as I fail to do so, "Skylar!?" I croak out, my throat dry from not drinking water or any liquids.

"Skylar, where are you!" I murmur. I feel helpless I get no reply.

Suddenly, the cell door opens and my worst nightmare awaits.

"Shut up, you little scumbag" Vincent gritts out.

I scoot back, as he makes his way towards me.

"Skylar's gone and hewont be coming back" he roars.

I gasp out of fright. "Don't worry sugarplum, I'm not not going to touch you" he chuckles out, a smirk forms upon his face.

He sits down opposite me, the miniature cell just fitting the both of us. He looked at me his eyes focusing on mine.

"Why do you want to see Skylar?" He questions.

"Why? What you gonna do? Kill him?" I deadpan.

"Would you prefer it if it was you I was killing?" he replied.

"Why don't you just get it over and done with then?" I mumbled.

"I would, but- you deserve to suffer" he says.

"What did I ever do to you!" I croak out.

"Oh, Sugarplum. Don't act like you don't know" he whispers.

"Oh wait- maybe I don't!" I say.

"You know what, your just not worth it. Why don't you do us a favor and become mute yeah?" He murmurs.

We stay in silence, my eyes on his. I struggle to say anything, no words enter or leave my mouth.

I feel a tear flood out of my eyes, as he leaves the solid cell.

I bang my head agianst the wall, why did I have to be so weak?

Maybe I could escape? Maybe I could get out of here.

I attempted to stand up, my legs refused. I huffed angrily.

I repeated my actions, my legs felt numb as I felt my grip loosen.

Suddenly, I dropped to the floor, I winced I felt the cut on the my stomach, hurt.

I slowly lifted up my shirt, curiously looking for the cause.

To my horror, blood slowly starts dripping. I gasp, as I just stare at my cut.

Maybe it's time to give up, maybe I'm not worth it.

All this pain, I-it would go away.

Just if I let this blood drip.



It is what it is,

I'm weak.

What if becoming mute, was the best thing to do?


This was a really, really sad chapter to write.

I honestly couldn't even finsh it, so sorry it's so short.

I've basically got everything. I know what I'm doing, finally!

The last few chapters (9) will be very sad and emotional.

This chapter is very important cause I've decided what the name is going to be for the sequel..

It went from 'His Omega Luna' to..
'His Mute Luna'

Boring, I know. Ironic I know. Anyone have any ideas?

Okay Byee♥

Not edited cause I'm a lazy cat.

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