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jeon: hows life?

jimin: um, bad(?)

jeon: why is that so?

jimin: this is freaking me out, why are we talking?

jimin: i mean you're cute but

jeon: i dont know im bored HAHAH.

jeon: entertain me, jimin(?)

jeon: thats your name right?

jimin: yeah.

jimin: and sick people cant entertain anyone.

jeon: you're sick?

jeon: its jungkook by the way.

jimin: and about to die*

jeon: i guess we have something in common.

jimin: you're sick too?

jeon: i have osteosarcoma

jeon: it spreaded to my lungs too, now, life is so great.

jimin: im sorry to hear that

jeon: nah, dont be. i still have 15% chance of living.

jimin: i have stage four of lung cancer.

jimin: no chances of living detected.

jimin: that must be great.

jeon: i shdnt have said that, im sorry.

jimin: dont be.

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