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"chim, you have yoongi's number?!" taehyung exclaimed, jumping from the bed. jimin looked at him surprised, sitting up on the bed as well. but before he could even say anything, taehyung attacked him.

"and you didn't tell me?! what the fuck jeon jimin" the raven haired glared at his best friend.

"okay, first i'm not a jeon what the fuck? and second why do you need yoongi's number for?" that made taehyung glare at him harder until it clicked.


"oh? oh?! lord give me strength" taehyung mumbled and fell back to the bed.

"don't tell me you're gonna fucking use my phone to message your fucking one year crush kim taehyung" jimin closed his eyes and gritted his teeth once that sheepish smile was on the other's face.

"aw come on minie, please?"

"i'm going out"


yoongi and taehyung's chatroom:

jimin: hey hyung!

yoongi: since when were you cheery?

jimin: since i saw you.

yoongi: what?

jimin: roses are red, bananas are yellow, wanna go out with a nice little fellow?

yoongi: what the fuck.

jimin: does your watch have a second hand? i want to know how long it took for me to fall in love with you.

yoongi: jimin you have a fucking boyfriend.

yoongi: are you out of your mind?

jimin: i like you.

yoongi: you need help.

yoongi: im leaving.

jimin: nO DoNt lEave.


"what the fuck?!" jungkook screeched and slammed the phone onto his bed, looking up at yoongi with furious eyes.

"yeah, exactly what i thought" the mint haired male sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"fucking playboy" the younger said through gritted teeth.

"i think you should talk things out first before coming to a blunt conclusion jungkook"

"shut the fuck up"


jungkook: i hate you.

jimin: what??

jungkook: i fucking hate you, playboy.

jimin: what the fuck? whats wrong with you?

jungkook: and whats wrong with YOU.

jungkook: lets end this so you can go to your favourite mint haired boy.

jimin: are you fucking with me right now. stop it jeon jungkook.

jungkook: no you stop it. it looks like you favour yoongi more than me dont you.

jimin: fuck.

jimin: fuck taehyung.

jimin: that fucking asscrack.

"kim fucking taehyung!" jimin yelled and pinched the said boy's right ear, making him whine in pain.

"i'm sorry!" it sounded more like a joke as he removed himself from jimin and shrugged his shoulders.

"you," jimin poked the other's chest before dragging him out, "you are in big trouble"

jimin dragged the other and himself to jungkook's room where they saw yoongi outside, using his phone.

"go on, explain" jimin pushed the raven haired harshly, making him yelp as he crashed into the now stunned yoongi.

"taehyung?" a light blush painted the said boy's cheek as he stood back up, shooting lasers at his best friend.

"i- um i-"

"he was the one who messaged you on my phone, not me for fucks sake min yoongi why did you even bother to reply this dumbfuck?"

"okay now this is the jimin i know" yoongi chuckled, looking up at taehyung.

"so, you wanna see him? he's been whining and pouting since he saw the messages tae sent" he continued, eyes still on the now furiously blushing taehyung.

jimin cocked an eyebrow before shaking his head, pushing past and smacking both of their heads, "just admit that you like each other or i'll fuck both your ass up" making both yoongi and taehyung snarl at him.

jungkook looked up when he heard the door opening and closing, seeing jimin entering. the boy scoffed, turning away from the other.

"hey jungkook, listen-"

"yoongi's outside, not here"

"i'm not looking for yoongi you motherfucker"

"seems that you wanted to see him that much in the convo"

jimin scoffed, eyeing the younger that is persistent not to move.

"i guess our love isn't even close to strong because you won't even trust and believe in your own boyfriend and instead make accusations. if you really hate me that much because of a stupid text then fine, we can break-up as you fucking wish jeon jungkook" jimin snapped, about to exit the room and leave when he heard a muffled sob from the other side.

he turned back, seeing the pained expression on the younger's face as the tears cascaded down his cheeks.

"don't leave me" jungkook sniffed, hugging his knees to his chest.

"please don't leave me" he mumbled it continuously, hiding his face in his knees.

"look at me" jimin gripped his jaw, making jungkook to look at him with red, puffy eyes.

"it wasn't me, it was taehyung. he had been crushing on yoongi since last year and found out that i have his number so decided to text him using my phone. but we talked it out and i think yoongi might like him too" the brown haired explained, looking at his boyfriend with honesty that made jungkook feel guilty.

"i'm sorry" jungkook whispered, moving to kneel on the bed as he cupped jimin's face, capturing the other's lips in a soft kiss, mumbling "sorry" again and again.

"i love you" jungkook said, breaking the kiss as he rest his forehead onto jimin's.

"i know" the black haired frowned, not hearing the reply that he wanted.

"say it back"

"jimin, we have to get back, you have your screening" jimin turned and bit his lip, looking at taehyung.


"yeah okay, i'll be out in five"

taehyung nodded and left, leaving jungkook in confusion.

"what screening?"

"look jungkook, i have to go so i'll message you when i get back okay" jimin planted a kiss on the other's forehead before leaving, stopping at the door to say "and i love you too" that made millions of butterflies erupt in his stomach as he screamed into his pillow once he fell back to the bed.

y'all do know that this story is fluff and angst right so yeah.

and please don't expect a happy/sad ending because i don't even know what kind of ending i want to have aight.

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