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jungkook: baby.

jimin: yes?

jungkook: can we go out to the garden?

jungkook: please???

jimin: of course baby.

jungkook: really??

jimin: yeah.

jimin: anything for you.

jungkook: sHUT UP.

jimin: okay.


jungkook: i'll come over to your room first okay?

jimin: no.

jimin: i'll just meet you downstairs.

jungkook: but wHY.

jimin: please?

jungkook: fine.

jungkook huffs before slipping his phone in his pants, taking the elevator down. when the door slides open, he realises taehyung is in the same elevator and flashes him a small smile.

"where are you going?" the hazelnut haired asks as steadies the cart he brought.

"garden. with jimin" taehyung arches a brow, lips pursing.

"i told him to rest"

"why? are you going to his room?"

"yeah, i have to give him his injection and morphine dosage since yesterday's incident" jungkook looks at him quizzically, the elevator's door sliding open at jimin's floor.

"what incident?" he asks but taehyung is already out, giving him a confused look in return as well when he turns around. the door closes before jungkook can press the button and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. he'll just have to ask jimin later on.

"jimin, i thought i told you that you can't go out for this period of time" jimin tilts his head in confusion, asking him what he meant.

"i met jungkook earlier on. he told me you're meeting him at the garden?" jimin sighs and lets out an 'oh'.

"jimin please, you have to rest for the time being, it's doctor kim's advice. please stop being so stubborn, you're only left with a few weeks" the last few words coming out as a whisper.

"just this once tae, i want to see him once more before i get quarantined in this room for i don't know how long. please taehyung" he pleads as the needle pierces his skin, pale fingers clenching the sheets as he hisses.

"fine but come back in an hour" jimin shoots him a grateful smile before staggering down the bed weakly, exiting his room to meet his boyfriend.

"hey" he greets once he sits down next to jungkook on the bench of the open field, everything looking too bright as if jimin is the only who has a dark cloud hanging above his head.

"hyung" he breathes, looking at the other's pale features as the male smiles, kissing the younger's forehead softly.

"are you okay?" he brings a hand up to the male's cheek, stroking the patch of skin softly as worry fills into his eyes.

"i'm fine, don't worry about me" jimin says softly, turning his head to place a kiss against the male's palm.

"why are we here? is there something you want to tell me?" jimin asks softly, their hands interlaced together as jungkook leans his head on the other's shoulder, sighing.

"doctor kim. he said that i have to choose whether i want to take up the surgery for my cancer and i-"

"jungkook i told you-"

"i'm taking it up" jimin stills, looking at jungkook in disbelief.

"baby, you're not kidding me right? tell me-"

"yes, yes i am serious" jungkook closes his eyes, willing his tears to not fall as he sees the face of elated joy painted on his boyfriend's face, before he was pressed into a hug.

"baby i'm so proud of you. live your life, jungkook. you still have a lomg way to go" and jimin doesn't even realise he is crying. jungkook breaks too, sobs wracking his body as his arms wounds tightly, as if he's scared. and he is, he is scared. scared of the outcome, scared of his future, scared of when jimin won't be here anymore, when he wakes up every morning alive while jimin is not there and it makes him cry even harder as he berates himself.

"come on, baby stop crying, you should be happy that you'll still be able to live while i-" jungkook stops him, cupping his face and placing his lips on jimin, cradling his face gently.

"tell me hyung, tell me what's wrong. i know you've been hiding something from me these past few days" he breathes, looking into dark orbs.

"i-" jimin pulls away, calming him erratic heart before looking, gazing into eyes so intense jimin shivers.

"doctor kim said i'm only left with two or three weeks left, and i have to stay in my room for the time being. taehyung wouldn't have let me go out earlier if i didn't plead him because i know it would be hard for me to see you after this. i'm sorry jungkook" jungkook bites his lips so hard, he might break skin as his eyes glimmers with unshed tears, pulling jimin into his arms once again, feeling jimin placing a soft kiss on his neck as the younger sighs into his hair, kissing the top of his head as his eyes fluttered shut, silent as both had tears flowing out.

"baby, whatever happens after this, promise me, promise me that we'll see each other at least once more, for the last time. promise me park jimin" he feels angry at himself for unknown reasons, and jimin promises, pecking his lips before standing up, locking their hands together before walking back into the hospital. somehow it looks more dreadful than it already it, jungkook notes.

once they reach jimin's room, they embraced into each other's arms for the last time for now. none of them said it out loud, that they won't be able to see each other for quite sometime but they knew, they knew after all.

jungkook's hold was so tight, he almost crushes the petite male in his arms but they break away, finally releasing their hold. jimin kisses jungkook for the last time, he kisses him hard, full of sincerity and passion, the whisper of 'i love you' in the kiss that makes jungkook cry again, choking on a sob once they pull away.

"we'll see each other soon jungkook, i promise" he says before entering his room, barely making it to his bed before he crumbles again, his tears not stopping any time soon as his heart clenches painfully and it hurts, it hurts so bad when images of a crestfallen jungkook come into his mind, all tear eyed and scared.

his phone beeps, the light glaring at him as a notification pops out.

jungkook: i love you.

guess who cried eventhough she's writing it. what an emotional wreck i am goodbye.

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