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jungkook: i didnt see you when we had a gathering earlier on.

jungkook: and you've been ignoring my text for a week now.

jungkook: are you okay?

jungkook: do you hate me?

jungkook: have i done something wrong to you?

jungkook: jimin answer me.

jungkook: i miss you.

jungkook: i miss you so much jimin.

jungkook: please answer me.

jimin: i miss you too.

[message not sent]

jimin: but my condition is worsening jungkook-ah.

[message not sent]

jimin: so we cant see each other.

[message not sent]

jimin: im scared.

[message not sent]

jimin: i love you.

[message not sent]

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