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"you're so fucking mean, leave me alone"

"this is my room, bitch you leave then"

"jimin!" jungkook whines, face planting his head onto the bed making jimin laugh softly.

"you play me one more time, i really am going to choke you"

"i honestly thought you were gone" the male whispers when silence engulfs them, jimin's eyes softening.

"i'm sorry, i won't scare you like that ever again" jimin can't really move too much on the bed, since the needles have been inserted back after jungkook realised that yes, he wasn't dreaming and jimin is really alive. jungkook goes up to the bed, jimin instantly snuggling up to his chest, where he feels safe and warm.

"i'm suing seokjin hyung. how dare he? and you too! jesus why am i in love with you?" but there's a smile on his face, full or adoration and calmness.

jimin smiles, as if the words were normal to him.

"neither do i know why i'm in love with you"

"shut up and kiss me already"

"thought you wanted to sue me" jungkook heaves a breath, poking his tongue to the side.

"jim-" the older crashes his lips onto his own, jungkook's hands instantly looping around his waist, careful not to hurt the older.

jimin bites his lower lip, causing jungkook to moan and part his lips, the other pushing his tongue and licking his way into the warm cavern, groaning softly.

he pulls away shortly, seeing jungkook's eyes filled with want; full of desire and warmth instead of lust.

"i love you"

"i love you the most" jungkook says, words tight with emotion as he lays his head on jimin's, fluttering his eyes shut and hears jimin's heart faintly beating.

it's enough for jungkook to fall in love all over again.


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