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"ew, daddy you're gross!" the boy shrieks gleefully, running away from the male.

"you brat!" jimin catches up to him, picking the five year old up and spinning him around. the brown haired giggles, eyes crinkling.

a weight suddenly bumps into the duo, jungkook crashing into the both of them as they laugh, the sound echoing through the walls.

"i wanna watch iron man, can we daddy? daddy! stop kissing jungkook appa!" the boy playfully hits him on the chest, but he feels warm and safe seeing his parents feeling as elated as he is.

"wanna watch iron man seungjae?" the said boy nods his head, asking jungkook to carry him and smiles when he does, laying his head on the crook of his neck.

they huddled up on the couch, jimin playing the video on the screen and sees as seungjae's face lights up, bouncing slightly on the couch as he wraps himself in the blanket, making it cover his whole lithe frame.

"baby you're drowning yourself" the boy pouts, jungkook laughing as he removes the blanket and places it on his son carefully, receiving a 'thank you' before the boy gets immersed in the movie, big doe eyes watching the screen animatedly.

"hey" jimin returns shortly, hot chocolate and marshmellows placed onto the table before wrapping his arm around jungkook's waist, kissing the crown of his head. jungkook tilts his head up enough to place a peck on jimin's lips, resting his head on his shoulder afterwards.

halfway through it, seungjae crawls onto jimin's lap, jungkook watching with tenderness and adoration in his eyes,

"daddy, can you tell me again how you met appa?" jimin chuckles, nuzzling soft ebony curls.

"well, we were both sick and then he-"

"he called me cute, seungjae can you believe that? all he does now is call me annoying and clingy, it makes appa sad" seungjae scrunches his nose when he sees jungkook pouting, holding jungkook's face with small fingers and kissing his nose.

"appa shouldn't be sad"

"maybe if daddy kisses me, i'll feel better" jimin rolls his eyes, picks seungjae up and carries him to bed, the boy falling asleep quickly as jimin cards through his hair with his fingers, cooing softly. jungkook watches from the doorframe, already done cleaning up the living room and switching the tv off, a beautiful smile gracing his face.

once they made sure seungjae was asleep, jungkook dims the light, closing the door a little and interlaces his fingers with his husband, bringing them into their room.

jimin closes the door, joining jungkook onto the bed and taking off his shirt, sliding in next to the male.

jimin stays quiet for a moment or two before he surprises jungkook by caging him, body hovering above the male, jungkook's hands clutching onto his shoulders in shock, doe eyes going wide as he bites his bottom lip.

"you wanted kisses right baby?"

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