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jungkook: jimin.

jimin: yeah?

jungkook: can i come over?

jimin: isnt it lunch time now??

jungkook: im done.

jimin: are you iron man or shit?

jungkook: no but i do like iron man like damn, he's one damn good ass motherfucking superhero that can make me jump up and down like a five year old.

jimin: arent you a five year old?

jungkook: FUNNY.

jungkook: fuck off.

jimin: ok.

jungkook: jokes.

jungkook: im jOKING.

jungkook: jIMIN.

jimin: get your small ass here rn.

jungkook: hokay.

jungkook: but are you eating?

jimin: nah, taehyung's not here yet.

jungkook: oh okay.


"oh jungkook, hi" taehyung flashed a smile before turning back around to place jimin's food on the table. he knows jimin wont finish it, like always, but just wants him to at least eat.

"hi hyung" jungkook walked over to jimin's side, both of them exchanging shy smiles, as if it's the first time they're seeing each other.

"well since you're here, you can watch over jimin right? i wouldnt want to disturb you guys anyways. have fun" taehyung waved before walking out.

jungkook sat on the chair, watching as jimin ate his lunch quitely. jungkook frowned when jimin didnt even finish half of his food before moving the food away.

"hyung" jungkook stood up and sat beside him on the hospital bed, eyeing the elder before taking the plate in his hand, picking up the food with the spoon before bringing it up to jimin's mouth.

"im full jungkook"


"im not!"

"finish this up and i'll cuddle you till i have to leave" jungkook grins as jimin grumbles under his breath cutely before opening his mouth, letting the younger feed him like a pampered child.

the couple then snuggled under the covers, flipping the channels on the TV as jimin laid his head on jungkook's chest, hearing the latter's soft heart beating rhythmically that it calms his heart too. jimin looks up as jungkook looks down, making them both giggle as jimin stretched his neck up to place a soft, sweet kiss on jungkook's lips, making jungkook blush a cute pink.

"i wish i can capture all these moments and bottle it all up so i can always relive it when i miss you" jimin whispered, more to himself as he subconsciously traced patterns on jungkook's chest.

"what is it jimin? sorry i didnt catch that"

"nothing, i love you"

"i love you too"

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