(17)~ Tatooine

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When we finally arived to Tatooine from endless hours of flying we were finally there. There was literally sand everywere. I hated it! More and more people were walking about around the hot planet filled with scum and vilony.

"We are here," Anakin landed the ship onto the closest safest landing pad.

Me and Padme both put on dark brown cloaks that didn't look like Jedi cloaks at all. Anakin couldn't care less of what he was wearing. He was here for one thing and one thing only just to find his mother, not to stir up truble. We had time for that another time.

We all sat down on this little cairgage thing and it drove us to a place called 'Watto's Shop' of some sort I guess.

We came to a stop and Anakin helped me and Padme out of the cairage. "Stay here," He told the droid that was driving the thing. It noded and obayed.

Anakin approached an old washed out Toydarian yelling at a droid. "Hello Watto," Ani said in huttese.

I could understand a little but of the native language of seven systems. "Let me help you what that," He says taking the droid head that Watto was working on.

"Hey, what are you doing? You are wasting my time! You look like a... Jedi,"

Anakin stops him. "I'm looking for Shmi Skywalker,"

"Ani? Little Ani?"

Anakin gave him a fist rated look. "You are Ani hey its is you. You sure sprouted eh? A Jedi watta da ya know," Watoo looks around for others that might be listening. "Hey maybe  you could help me with some dead beats, who owe me a lot of money-"

Anakin stops him. "My mother,"

"Oh yeah Shmi. She's not mine no more I sold her."

"You sold her?" Anakin pushed to know.

"Years ago. I'm sorry Ani but you know that buisness is buissness huh?" He chuckles in a deep horse tone."I sold her to a moister farmer named Lars. At least I think it was Lars. Believe it or not I heard he feeds her and Maried her,"

"I'd like to know," Ani raises his tone a bit.

"Eh sure absolutely. Better come inside, let's look through my records."


Ani looked through the files and we found out were his mother had been living these past few years. We flew all the way out into the outskirts of Tatooine.

"Stay with the ship R2," Padme told the little dome headed R2 unit.

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