(20)~ Anger

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A/N: Just saying that when there is music at the top you should try listening to it while reading!


I could almost feel the anger bouncing off of him when I cheaked in on him fixing something. He stould facing away from me over by a table.

"Hey I brought you somthing to eat," I said holding a tray of blue juice and sandwiches.

"The shifter broke," He said. "Life seems so much simpler fixing things. I can fix anything,"

"Ani are you alright. I'm always here for you," I said in a comforting tone.

"Why did she have to die? I could have saved her. I know I could have!"

"Somtimes there are things in life that we can't fix,"

"I don't know," He went on turning over to me. His eyes were all red from being at the point were he might cry. "This is all Obi Wan's fault! HE'S HOLDING ME BACK!" He throw the tool he was using into the wall in anger.

"You're not all powerful Ani," I knew that not just his mom dieing would get him off like this.

"Well I should be. Someday I will be, I will be the most powerful Jedi ever. I promise you, and someday I will learn to stop people from dieing." He almost fell onto the floor, next to the desk. I sat down with him.

"I would hate to admit it but we are Jedi. We are only human Ani. To be angry is to be human."

"(Y/N) We are Jedi, I know I'm better than this,"

I sat myself down and rubed his shoulder. He was more than very unhappy about this.


A while later we all held a burial for Shmi. Clegg said all the good byes after his son and his girlfriend did.

"Good bye my darling wife. And thank you, I just know that you are in a better place." Clegg said his final respects.

Ani walked over to the grave and sat down on his knees and grabbed a handful of sand. "I wasn't strong enough to save you mom. But I won't fail again, I promise. I miss you SO MUCH,"

It was all over by the time R2 came rolling over to meet us. "R2 what are you doing here?" I asked the little friend.

He beeped and spun around like crazy and tryed to get my attention. Treepio translated, "He says he's carying a message from Uh Obi Wan Kenobi. Master Ani, does that name mean anything to you?"


We went straight onto the ship and replayed the message. "Anakin, my transmitter has been knocked out please send this message to coruscant." Padme presses the button that would send it there. "I have tracked the bounty hunter named Jango Fett to the droid factory on geonosis. The trade federation is to take the droid army here. And it is clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassin attempt on Senator Amidala .The comer skills and the federation has pledged their loyalties to Count Dooku and are forming a- wait wait-" Obi gets stopped and a few droids pop up on screen, that appeared to be attacking Obi Wan.

Mace Windu looked at the holo gram with great caution before speaking through the transmitter,"Anakin we will deal with Count Dooku, most important thing for you is to protect the senator at all costs." Mace says in the comlink.

"Understood master," Anakin said before turning it off compleatly.

"They will never get there in time to save him." I say.

"They have to come halfway across the galaxy. Look geonosis is less than a parsec away." Padme finishes.

"If he is still alive," Anakin says.

"Ani are you just going to sit here and let him die, he's your friend your mentor-"

"He's like my father, " He looks as me, "You heard master Windu he gave us strict orders to stay here."

"He gave you strict orders to protect me, and I'm going to help Obi Wan. If your plan is to protect me, you both are just going to have to come along."

"Don't worry I've given up trying to fight with you anymore," Anakin says smirking.

She starts up the ship.

We all sit down and the ship takes off. I guess off to Geonosis we go!


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