(64)~ Double Cross

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(Cloud City )

The group left for dinner a while later after discussing more about the place , "You will find that there is no other place in the world quite like this one, and I have found a way to keep the empire out of our affairs forever,"

The door to the dining room opened and there in the head of the table sat Darth Vader himself.

Han turned and pulled out his gun to shoot but the laser bolt was reflected by Vader's bare hands, "I would be honed if you were to join us," A bounty hunter sat up right next to Vader a she blaster was pulled into Vader's hands.

The door closed and they were forced into the dining room!


(Back with Luke)

It was discussed and Luke was trained for about the whole day, catching on really quickly,

He held Yoda on top of his foot balancing on one hand while using to force to move rocks and stones. Until his head shot up and everything clasped. Yoda went flying onto the ground. "Lost concentration you have!"

"My friends are in trouble! I have to save them,"

"Rush into this you cannot. A trap this is,"

"I don't care they are my friends I have to do something! I can't just let them die like this! The empire already tried to kill princess Leia and Han e few times a while back,"

"If you leave now your path clouded it will be,"

Luke still didn't care, he boarded his X- wing anyways not caring about what might happen.


(Back at cloud city)

Leia and the Wookie were placed in a cell while Han was being tortured. He didin't even had any questions asked to him before they forced him into a torcher chair and shocked him has much as he could handle."Agghhhghhhh! " Leia could hear Han's screaming followed by the sound of machines doing their job.

If not for a while later Han was thrown back into the cell, Leia ran to help him up off the ground. "Why would they do this to you?" She asked him.

"They didn't even ask me what I knew," She helped him up onto a cold hard prisoner bed that she had to pull from the walls. It seemed as if that they were doomed and no one would be there to save them!

Things couldn't seem to get worse from here on out.

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