(81)~ End of Rain

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I made it back the the village and planed a funeral for my father, and mother. I asked that Leia would join me, now that the galaxy is at peace and the war was finally over.

Only now do I know the tragic story of both my perents and how my father rise up and did what was right.

After all my perents were finally free above all...


I raised up to find my friends after words and I aproched Leia and she jumped into my arms and Han came over and I gave him a firm hand shake.

Chewy came over and gave me a big hug that nearly knocked the air out of me. I felt somthing and walked away to see the force ghosts of Master Yoda, Obi and and both of my perents. They all seemed really peaceful and I was proud that the Skywalker name didin't die out.

'The end


A/N: Yay I finally finished! And don't you wonderful people worry I'm writing meny more of these X readers! Please follow me so you can keep in touch with my work!

Until we meet again, may the Force be with you all!

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