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Warning: This story does certain some graphic scenes that may be inappropriate for children under 15 years of old! There is some vulgar language, description that may cause discomfort and mature situations.
What makes a perfect love story is to have the reader feel like they are the character and imagine what they would do in there difficult situation.
My story might make you cry, angry, frustrated, laugh and in love!
So please, don't bash. You've been warned!

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Hermione Granger, the brilliant witch had turned twenty three last night. She was in her room, packing her things. Every single thing she had in her room, as she was leaving tomorrow morning to a new house. She wasn't quite happy about it, as she lived years in that house. Twenty three years of memories in her room, the cozy living room, the smell of the fresh backed cookies and the sound of her mum and dad calling her name, talking and laughing
She sighed and put the last pair of shoes into the box, she closed using her wand then pushed it with her foot towards the door. Her bedroom was empty now, it was only the bed. She went to her bathroom to brush her teeth and go to bed.

Hermione was no longer with Ron. Their relationship didn't work as Hermione had to work and study in the same time and she never had much time to see him or even give him a phone call, which was annoying and hurt Ron so much that he thought she didn't even love him and then the fact that she was moving far away to another county. Hermione never understood why he was mad at her when she told him that she was moving because her dad got a better job there and she never thought of leaving her parents again.

The very next morning Hermione was having a cup of tea with her mum when a few men along with her dad were moving the furniture in a lorry. Hermione, Mr and Mrs Granger had their last look at their house, then the three of them got into Mr Granger' car and drove away to their new home.
Hermione had her earphones in her ears, playing soft music which always her favorite. She leaned her head on the window and watched with a small smile. She was enjoying the sun which was peeking through the window and onto her skin warming her up.

Hours later, Hermione opened her eyes when the car stopped. She looked around when she stepped out of the car. The new neighborhood wasn't bad at all, it was beautiful, trees everywhere, it wasn't noisy and the houses were different from the one she used to live in. Then, she turned to the house behind her. A big house which looked like three floors a beautiful front garden that had different kinds of flowers. Hermione took a few steps forward and she could smell the smell of the wet grass. She smiled, the place seemed to be so welcoming them. And she knew that a new life was waiting for her once she stepped in.

Couple of days later the house was ready. Everything was placed in the right place and Hermione's room looked so much similar to her old one. She smiled at her ginger kitty then lied on her bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering how the neighbors here were.

The next morning Hermione woke early as always then, she had her shower, put a black leggings and a white cotton top. Her hair was longer, but it was no longer bushy. She used her wand to dry it, and she let it fall down on her shoulders then, she went downstairs to say good morning to her mum and dad and her breakfast with them. "Oh, dear, you woke up!" her mum said smiling "come here, the lovely neighbors came to say "hi"." Hermione walked in the bigger living room with a small smile "this is my daughter, Hermione." she said

"Hello." Hermione smiled and everyone else gave her a nod with a smile. "where's dad?" she asked

"Oh, he's in the backyard with the men.."

Hermione nodded and left to see her dad, she went to the kitchen which was double sized than the one before. She pushed the back door open and smiled when she saw her dad laughing along with another two men. She walked towards him still smiling "Good morning, dad.", she said

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