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Hermione and Draco didn't talk much since that night. They barely spoke to each other. Whenever they met, they had an awkward silence between them. And Draco never understood why she was so pissed.

Draco was practising harder for the match. It was all about football. And Hermione was all about practsing for the interview.

Both finished their final exams. And both passed with great marks. And they were ready to just graduate.

Hermione woke up early. Had breakfast with Mr and Mrs Granger. She didn't talk at all. And Mrs Granger gave her hand a squeeze. And Mr Granger told her it's okay to be nervous.
So when she was done eating. She went to her room. And wore a dark blue skirt, a white blouse and a neat shoes. Her hair was tidy. And as she learned how to apply mascara from Pansy she did apply some.

Mr Granger gave her a ride. "Good luck." He only said. And she said nothing. She just left the car and disappeared inside. She walked through the long corridor. And sat on an empty seat. She was listening to music and staring at the floor. And she couldn't help but notice how clean the floor was. She could see her refliction through it. She took a deep breath and when she let it out a woman came and called her "Mr. Johnson will see you now." She smiled. Hermione nodded and stood up.

She walked towards the big wooden door. And opened it. The room was big. So big. A big wooden desk sat in the middle of the room. It was dark brown with patterns on it. On her left was a big library with so much books in it. It was full and there was no place to another book in it. All the books were big. They were all had the colours of brown red and hold. And Hermione recognized them. As she studied some in college. And on her right was two black leather sofas and a coffee table in the middle of them. And behind the desk were long windows. That started from the floor and up to the ceiling. Not only windows were sitting behind the desk. But a man who looked in his fifties. He had thick hair and blue eyes. And he gave Hermione a warm smile. "Miss Granger?" He asked

"Yes.. Hermione." She nodded

"Hermione." He gave a greeted nod. "Please take a seat." He smiled again any Hermione sat down opposite him. "One of the qualities we hope for in any of our students is their passion. Your turn papers and test results are exemplary. But your love and knowledge of literature.. is rare in a person of your years."

"Thank you," she smiled "but it's an important part of my life."

"Go on." He said encouragingly

"Poetry, for instance, I like the way that it can articulate and express feelings, complicated and difficult feelings that you can't express literally." She said

"What about modern literature? Are there any contemporary writers and poets you particularly admire?"

"No.. Not really." She shook her head.

"Oh. Why is that?"

"Because they suck?.." she half shrugged and he raised his eyebrows.

As for Draco. He was ready too. He was wearing his white suit with a big '7' on it. He was holding his helmet in his hands. And running behind his fellows.
"Welcome everybody to final game! The biggest game of the year!" A man's voice on the microphone.

"Surely if poetry is no longer relevant, poets and their art form are doomed to extincition. I think that will be all." He gave her a nod and smiled

Hermione knew that she failed. And she felt disappointed. She got up. And when she did she stared at the window. And she saw Draco's face. And she knew that he must be fighting for her out there. And she knew how much this would mean to him. Just as much as the football match meant to her. She turned her gaze to the man who was sitting in her front. "Actually, I do like some modern poets." She said. "In fact I love them! 50 Cent, Pete Pablo, Marshal Mathers."

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