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(A/N): Guys look when I write about Draco, then it's going to be Hermione in his body. And when I talk about Hermione, then it's Draco in her body. Hope it's clear because it's hard to explain every time about the characters in each other's body!

Draco was standing by himself in the middle of the grounds of the college. That was when he finally saw Hermione coming towards him angrily. She gripped into his jacket "what the fuck have you done to me you fucking geek witch!" She said angrily

"Get your hands off me you big bully!" Draco answered "God, you think I'm responsible for this?"

"I certainly not! And you're the one who knows everything" She cried

"That does not include this!" Draco said pulling a face of disgust "This is impossible! This can not happen!"

"Well it happened okay? You better figure out how to get my damn body back!"

"Trust me, there's nothing I would like more! You think I relish waking up another day with your mother?"

"Leave my mother out of this!" She said calmly

"And what is up with her? She never heard of volume control? And.. and her language! I see where you're having all your words!" He crossed his arms to his chest

"My mother? At least my mother doesn't force me to eat monkeys food! What the fuck is oatmeal! Made me eat two plates! I almost puked!" She spat

"Insensitive pig!" He started crying "I don't want to be a boy, okay? Especially I don't want to be you!" He sobbed

"No, no, no, don't cry!" Hermione said in almost a whisper "not here!" She tried to his face with her hands

"I hate you! You disgust me and now I'm stuck in your body!" He sobbed

"Look.. Stop crying!" She ordered. Draco looked at her and stopped "maybe.." her voice softened "maybe it's just one of those twenty-four-hour things.. Uhh like a head cold!" She grinned

"A head cold?" He wiped his eyes

"Yes! Tomorrow we could be back to normal! Just.. try not to attract any unnecessary attention."

"Okay." He said softly

"Do not speak to anyone meanwhile!" She warned. "Especially Anne!" She wore the hat of the hoodie and walked away from him.

Draco looked around the place. They way people were looking at him made him feel as if they knew that this was Hermione not Draco. He let a sigh and walked into the hallways. More people were staring. Some girls winking.

"Hey, Draco." Some girl came in front of him. He jumped at the sight of her. Then her hand slipped in his. Then she was gone. And he could feel something in the palm of his hand. When he opened his hand. He saw a small piece of paper. With a number on it. Then there was two words 'Call me' he raised his eyebrows and threw the paper in the first rubbish bin he found. He skipped the first class not knowing what to do. So he headed to the bathroom.
Right.. Guys one. He pushed the door and entered. He pulled a face of disgust when he saw guys using the urinals to pee. So he pushed the first door on his left and locked it.
Gross! I have to touch it? He bit his lip as he rolled the toilet paper on his hand
Ewww! I'll never eat finger food from a buffet again for as long as I live!
Draco left the bathroom. Walked throw the hallways. He stopped when he heard someone calling his name. So he walked towards that door where the voice came from. And he saw Blaise Zabini. The room looked more an auto mechanic training room. Where Blaise was working in Draco's car. "Mate, don't forget we're having a training today! Or the coach will kick your ass." He said. He was kneeling next to the car working on the tires.

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