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Five months had passed. And both were still the same. Every morning they woke up in hope that they would be back to normal. But nothing was happening.
They began to meet each other more. Tell each other about each other and about their parents. They meet in a small muggle cafe. Away from everyone who would see them. Hermione was receiving letters and she was handing them to Draco who was writing the replies and give them back to Hermione to give it back to the owls.

Their lives were getting complicated. Very complicated.
They were having a meeting today. In the same muggle cafe. Hermione was already there. Waiting.
Draco came jogging to her. "Sorry I'm late." He said before sitting down.

"Don't worry about it." She said as she continued sipping into her drink.

"I found nothing." Draco finally said "Five months I've been searching! I read every book about this kind of magic I even asked Harry but he know nothing about it."

"Jesus, what am I gonna do?" Hermione said as she put the glass down "My game is so soon! And I can't miss it. My life is a complete disaster."

"Wait a minute!" Draco said. Hermione stopped talking. "What were we doing before this happened?" He asked

"Arguing?" You always argue" she shrugged

" Not always. We were at the museum." He said

"Yeah! In front of that ugly Mexican dude."

"Aztek. Texcatlipoca." Draco corrected

"Where are you going with this?" She spat

"Don't you remember what the Mr Anderson said?"


"Of course not." He rolled his eyes "a body shifter. The smoking mirror! That's it! C'mon let's go!" He got up

"Where to?" She got up and followed her.
They walked towards the bus stop. "You're joking! I'm not getting in this filthy bus!" Hermione spat .

"Well Draco Malfoy this is the only ride we had. If you don't like it you can walk." Draco smiled. Hermione rolled her eyes and stepped in. "Look there's two empty seats there." He pointed to the seats and Hermione walked before him. She sat next to the window and Draco next to her.

"I still didn't get it. Where are we going?" She whispered

"To the museum." Draco answered.

They both entered the museum. "We're closing in five minutes!" Said the security guy.

"C'mon." Draco said and hurried inside.

"That's the guy." Said Hermione

" He's the ancient god of sorcery." Draco corrected

" We close in 5 minutes, folks." Said the security guy. Hermione and Draco nodded.

"OK, you go first." Draco said as they were standing in front of he statue

"No, you go first, you have the biggest mouth." She shrugged

Draco bit his lip. "Hi, how are you?" He smiled

"Is that the best you can do?" Hermione asked

"He's a god, not your aunt Bellatrix." He took a deep breath. "You may have got the impression that this.. young fellow and I didn't like it each other. But let me tell you, that could not be any farther from the truth."

"That's right." Hermione said. "Sure we were fighting but all friends fight, right? How could you not like Hermione?" She said and Draco turned to him. " She is really tidy and smart, way smart! Kinda cute, especially when she does that thing with her nose." Draco let a small smile.

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