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Draco stayed in his room, doing nothing but studying as their last was drawing closer to the end. And he wanted to make his dad proud. He let his gaze leave the book to stare at the window. And all what he could think about was what it he never got his body back? What about his family? How he's going to make his dad proud? What if Malfoy didn't pass?
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He saw the black FORD standing outside his house. Then the door of his room swung opened "you didn't get ready, mate? C'mon! We don't want to be late!"

"Late for what exactly?" Draco asked

"Don't tell me that you forgot Sam's party?"


"Just get ready." Blaise said and left his room. Draco sighed and changed. Then he followed his friend to the car.

When they were on the way they were chatting. "Life is such a bitch." Blaise said. "Lock target in five and will you check out that ass!" He said excitedly

"What about Pansy?" He askes

Blaise looked around, then to the back seat. "No, don't see her."

"Think about it Blaise, are you willing to betray the love of a good.. woman for the cheap thrill of a one night stand?"

" You crack me up, you know that boy. You were always into the 'faithful' but I'm the Zabini, and Zabini people knows of no such boundaries. And plus, at night I'm a locked target. You know what happens. A few drinks, quality control goes out the window, and before you know it, you're sucking.. face with some swill muncher from downtown. Or worse still. I end up here with you, drunk on some dark street telling you I love you. And you know me doesn't want that to happen, homie." He turned the radio on. "Let's go to a party!"

Hermione was watching the crazy girls doing crazy things to their faces. Pansy was painting her nails. "So.. Anne, you're not seeing Draco anymore?" Hermione asked

" That is so over." Anne answered

"Such a shame." Hermione began "I mean, you guys were the perfect couple."

"Duh. I was only seeing him because he's the football captain. Without me, he's just another dumb jock with his brains in his shorts. Which is convenient because not much else is going on down there."

Hermione smirked. She was laughing inside. Bitch

Draco and Blaise arrived. The place was so busy with people in their age. It was a bit dark. It smelled very bad. There was blue and red cups everywhere. Cigarettes and ashes. And the music was so loud that they were screaming to hear each other.

Blaise leaded him to a table with another three guys. There was more than twenty red plastic cups. It was felled with the cheapest alcohol.

"On the count of three." Said one of the guys after they said 'hi' to each other. "One, two, three!"

The five guys including Draco grabbed a drink. Draco barely took a few sips when he sae that the othet four were slamming the cups on the table. "Loser! Drink up, man!" Said the same guy who counted.

" Manicure, pedicure, face masks. Are we done yet?" Hermione asked

"Hermione, I couldn't help noticing that you're a little on the hairy side." Anne said. "Down below.. You've got sort of a rainforest thing going on?"

"You're not supposed to be bushy?" Hermione asked

"We've all gone totally latino." Anne answered

"Totally." Pansy and Tiffany said together

"Really?" Hermione raised her eyebrows

"You should too!" Anne said. "You know, we could do it for you right now."

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