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Ron stayed that night over. Not in Hermione's room of course. Her dad was home.. So she let sleep in the guests room.
Saturday morning was always special to Hermione. As both her mum and dad would stay home. And she could spend the whole day with them. They usually go to some park or to the beach. This time they stayed home. And her dad decided to grill. So he went to the supermarket to get all what he need for the barbeque. Her mum was taking care of her garden as always. And Hermione took her chance to wake Ron up. She slowly walked down the stairs. And walked on her toes to the room he was staying in. Her hand touched the handle of the door and before she open the door she heard him snoring. She bit her lip and opened the door, entered and closed it queitly behid her.

She smiled at him then walked to the bed, and sat beside him. Her hands found his strong shoulders leaning slowly she kissed his neck gently, careful not to wake him up. When she pulled away she pushed his red hair away from his forehead with her finger. Ron moved and she smiled again. Then she saw a beautiful smile growing on his face "Good morning." She whispered when she leaned over him again

"I was dreaming about you.." his voice was so raspy

"Oh really? What about?"

"I won't tell you. It won't come true if I did."

"It's not a wish Ron!" She chuckled "anyway, c'mon get up and take a shower, breakfast will be ready soon." She got up to leave the room but Ron caught hold of her wrist making her stop. She turned to him, looked at his grip around her wrist then her eyes met his.

"Stay." Was the only thing he said before getting up. He cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers

"I.. I" she swallowed. Hard. "I must go and help my mum-"

"You'll keep running away?" He asked

"Ron I'm not ready." Her eyes fell to her feet and she could tell she was blushing "I'm sorry. I'll go now." She quickly left the room to hers. She climbed the stairs so fast and slammed the door of her room and locked it. Hermione pushed her hair away from her face, she looked at her reflection in her mirror. She was blushing. Her heart was pounding whenever Ron ask her to have sex with him. She didn't know why she was making an excuse every time. Perhaps she was scared.. Perhaps she wasn't sure. Hermione always believed - and as her mum told her when she turned sixteen - in keeping herself to the one who she truly love. And what made her feel confused that she loved Ron and Ron loved her too.

She let out a loud sigh and entered her shower. This time when she left her bathroom air her body wrapped in a short white towel, she didn't find Zabini or Malfoy watching her. This time she was watching. And she saw the same lady she saw few days ago. She had a white sheet wrapped around her. Then she saw Malfoy leaving the bathroom with only a towel. And she was disgusted with the idea. Seeing Malfoy like this made her feel sick. So she closed the curtains and turned to put clothes on.

Hermione she took out the water of her using her wand, then she put her long hair in a pony tail. Her outfit was so normal. Nothing so intrested or special in it. Denim jeans and a white sweater.

It was getting cold now. The flowers and the trees were losing their colours. And Mrs Granger knew that Hermione was using magic to keep her flowers alive. Because she knew how much her mum loved her flowers. She was keeping them alive for her family. Or as her mum said.. She planted a different flower for every member of her family. A dead member. Hermione's grandparents and her uncle. Hermione knew that her mum hated using magic in her house. Not because she hates magic but because she wanted to do everything in the ways she used to, the Muggles ways. But when it comes to her plants, especially those flowers she didn't mind using magic.

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