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Draco woke up the next morning on the sound of the alarm clock which was a song. It was Elton John's song, 'Candle in the Wind'

That was when he realized that g was still in Hermione's body and didn't get his own body back. He groaned, rolled his eyes. Then he looked at the alarm clock.

"Oh man, this is crappy music!" She said before turning it off.
She took a shower. And dressed up again in the same jeans she was wearing yesterday but she only changed the hoodie. It was a blue hoodie.
And she had to have breakfast with the Grangers. And she had to walk to the bus faster. And she had to live another day in that body. Without friends.

She reached the college. Her bag swaying on one shoulder. She found few guys who she knew from the football team. So she sat behind that tree and listened to their conversation. And she knew everything happened yesterday in the training. And she was covering her face with every word she heard with embarrassment. Then the guys left. And she was sitting there alone waiting to see him. When a did. She got up and walked towards him "I heard about football practice." She said

"Good morning to you too." He answered quietly. She raised her eyebrows and Draco knew she won't be saying it. Ever. "Those boys are really rough. I'm covered in bruises."

"I don't care about your bruises. If coach drops you my life is over." She said

"Why are you so worked up? It's only a game!"

" No, it's not only a game. It's football! Jesus, don't you get anything?"

" I get that clearly this is not a head cold"

"Do you have any better theories, smart ass?" She crossed her arms "Look at you," she paused and looked at him up and down. "What am I wearing?" She asked as she finally noticed his outfit

"Chinos and a Oxford cotton button-down I found in the back of your closet." He answered beaming at her

"Which is exactly where it is meant to stay!"

"Nonsense, you can't beat the classic look!"

"My hair," she looked at his hair "you've made it all dorky!"

"A center parting is very European looking." He answered pushing her hand away from his hair

"No, it is very dorky looking!"

"Excuse me for taking a little pride in your appearance!"

"You could have ruined my life, I look like a male version of you!" She spat

"As long as I'm stuck inside this disgusting.. body, you'll just have to put up with it!" He said closing the case

"Alright, if that's how you want it, sweet cheeks!" She said out her hands inside her pockets and walked away.

Draco rolled his eyes. And walked in the opposite side.

~¤~ ~¤~ ~¤~

Draco arrived early the next day to college. The weather was half cloudy and half sunny. Which was a good day to stay outside. And almost all the students were outside.
Draco was studying in the fresh air when he heard people talking, some guys were whistling. So he was curious to see what was going on.

"Nice ass!" Some guys said loudly

"You're looking fine, sugar!" Another said

Draco's jaw dropped when he finally saw it. It was Hermione. Wearing a very short dress that whenever she climb a stair her butt would show up. And a top that was short and showing a few inches of her flat belly. And her hair was curled in some weird way. She was wearing high heels and makeup. Draco ran after ger, took off his jacket and hid her butt with it. He was moving with her. "What are you doing?" She asked

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