{ 1 } Golden Childhood

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{ POV: Snow White}

I watched as James chased Emma around. Emma may be only four years old but she was fast.
Emma giggled as her blonde hair flew behind her.

"I'm coming!" James called out to Emma.

Emma giggled even more and started running. I sat on a bench in the Royal Garden and enjoyed the view of my husband and my daughter. As Emma turned a corner she slipped on her white dress and fell. James immediately ran to her side.
Emma cried as James picked her up and held her in his arms.

"It's ok, it was a little fall" James said as he looked down at Emma.

Emma picked up the bottom of her dress and held it up to James.
"But I got my dress dirty, daddy!" Emma whined.

James picked up her dress and looked at it. James replied,
"I'll have some guards clean it, don't worry". Emma smiled and James set her down on the ground. She began to run again. I approached James smiling.

"She needs to learn how to ride a horse soon and how to use a sword" He said as he watched Emma.

I looked up to him and smiled. "We have a long time...she can learn it all". He finally turned to me. "I know but why shouldn't she start now?".

I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. I watched as Emma ran towards a water fountain and climbed on the edge. She started to walk along it. I gasped and started to walk towards her. "Emma!...be careful!", she just lifted her arms out and replied "I'm ok, mommy!".

She kept walking and I kept getting nervous. I didn't want her to fall. She giggled and kept running along the fountain.

Emma was very daring and adventurous, knowing I wouldn't be able to persuade her mind, I turned to James. "Where's Neal?".

James looked down at me, "He's practicing his riding skills at the stables".

Neal was Emma's older brother, even though he was 8 he was very overprotective of Emma. He loved his sister very much. I nodded and turned back to Emma.

She was now sitting on the edge of the fountain. She slowly reached down and splashed the water with her hand. I smiled and watched her play.

{ 6 years later }

"Ow!" Emma screamed.

I looked down at her "Sorry". I finished brushing Emma's hair and put the hair brush down on the vanity. I looked at Emma through the mirror, "There! I'm all finished!...you look absolutely stunning Emma!".

She smiled at me, "When does the ball start?". I started to put away some of the stuff on her vanity, "Soon, and you have to be ready...it is for your birthday after all". She sighed then looked at me, "Who's coming?".

I finished putting the stuff away and looked back at Emma, "Mostly princesses from other kingdoms". Emma nodded, "Oh".

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. Emma and I turned to see Neal standing at the door. I looked at what Neal was wearing. He had mud all over his clothes. "Neal!...what are you wearing?!" I yelled.

He looked down then back at me, "I was about to go change, but I wanted to stop by". I smiled, "Go change, then come back". He nodded and left. Emma laughed at me. I walked back to the vanity and looked at Emma through the mirror.

"You know, soon you'll be a queen too" I teased. She smirked "Yeah but not until I'm older". "Well you must be prepared" I added.

She stood up and turned to me, "I know mom". I smiled at her and fixed her hair a little. "Come on, we have a party to go to" I gave her a mysterious smile before turning to the door. Emma smiled and followed me to the ballroom.

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