{ 5 } Peter Pan

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{ POV: Hook }

We eventually found a place to camp. I set up some blankets and we rested. I left some crew members on the ship to guard it, but I don't know if they'll do a good job of it. For now, it was Oscar, Marc, Smee, Navy, Emma and me. I started a fire and everyone sat around it.

Oscar began to speck first, "What if Pan doesn't come?". I hushed him, "We don't want Pan to hear our plan!". Oscar quickly nodded and looked down. I looked around, "We only have three blankets". I looked at everyone, "We will have to group in pairs of two".

Smee jumped up "I'll share with Navy!". Navy got up and nodded, they turned and headed for the first blanket. I turned to everyone else. Marc stood up and walked towards Emma, "I'll share with her". He gave her a seductive smile.

I stood up, "No!...last thing we need is more complaints about you...you are sharing with Oscar". Oscar nodded and walked to the other blanket. Marc stayed looking at me, "Why?...you want her all to yourself captain?". I gave him a threatening look, "No, I just can't deal with you always taunting her...remember your place!...now go". Marc just rolled his eyes and joined Oscar.

I turned to Emma was was standing nearby with a nervous look on her face. I smiled, "Sorry about that". She stepped towards me, causing my heart beat to rise. "No need to apologize to me...but I have a question".

I looked into her emerald eyes, "And what would that be?". She sighed, "Aren't you ever concerned that they may decide to leave you if you're harsh to them?". I smirked, "No...they've got nothing but me...and if they do leave, it's their loss".

She laughed and turned to the next blanket. I soon joined her and laid down next to her. I opened the folded blanket and covered us with it. She closed her eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. I watched her for a bit before my eyes slowly closed.


I opened my eyes. I saw Emma still sleeping. I could see her face, she looked calm and peaceful. I sat up and gently moved out from the covers.

I turned to find Marc and Smee eating fruit by the fire. The fire was just a pit with burn wood. I walked over and sat beside them, "Where did you get the fruit?".

Smee smiled, "We found a tree, don't worry we check to make sure it was safe to eat". I nodded and grabbed a piece of fruit. Marc stayed silent as he smirked at his food and bit into it.

I finished chewing and looked up at him, "Marc?...I need to know that you will no longer harass Emma...I don't want to be spending the trip acting like I'm taking care of little children". Marc nodded, "You're right, I won't...for the trip that is". I nodded, I assumed that was the best I was getting out of Marc. I didn't expect anything more from him.

I looked over to see Emma start to stir. Then her eyes fluttered open and she looked around. I looked over at Smee who had finished eating, "Smee?...go bring Emma some food". He stood up and grabbed a piece of fruit, then he brought it to Emma. Emma stood up and smiled as she took the food. They started to make conversation.

"Wow". I turned to see Marc smirking. I looked at Emma once more then turned to him, "What's so amusing?". He finished his food and looked at me, "You like her". I acted shocked, "No!...I don't have feelings for her". He laughed, "Of course you do...I see the way you look at her...and like it or not, you're not the same pirate who lost Milah all those years ago".

I gave him a shut up look. I took a breath then retuned my gaze on him, "You are not to mention that name...and don't question my feelings for anyone!". I continued eating my food. I didn't want to have Marc stress me out, I should've left him on the boat.

I looked back to see both Emma and Smee gone. I looked around and saw Smee folding his blanket, I got up and walked over to him. "Smee, where's Emma?". He turned to me smiling, "She went to get more wood". I nodded, but did she need help?

I assumed probably not and joined Marc at the fire again. If she doesn't come back in a bit I'll go look for her.

{ POV: Emma }

I began to search the area for wood. I'm pretty sure I was deep in the forest now, there had to be wood nearby.

"So you're Emma?", I spun around and saw a boy leaning against a tree.

I studied him, he was wearing an outfit that looked like it was made from some sort of green leaf. He had nice eyes but an evil look to him. He noticed me staring, "I forgot to introduce myself...I'm Peter, Peter Pan".

Hook had warned me about him. My eyes grew wide, "How do you know me?". He smiled, "Who doesn't know about you?...plus I've been watching you since you arrived here".

I was confused, "Wait-.....so you-you knew that we were here?...why didn't you just attack us or something?". He kept that smile plastered on his face, "All in good time...but I came to ask you, why does Captain Hook need you?...besides the obvious".

I was even more confused, "What?...what are you talking about?". He laughed, "You don't notice it?...I've only been watching him for at least 10 hours and I already know that he has feelings for you".

I stepped back, "No!...he doesn't!...he can't". He laughed again, "Why? Because you don't want to accept he likes you back?". I paused, how could he know so much. "I want to know what he needs you for".

I started to remember Hook's plan. My magic! He needed my magic. But I wasn't going to tell him that. "I don't know...he abducted me and he came here next".

He stared at me for a while, "I don't know if I believe you".

I knew I had the advantage now, all I had to do was act confident. "It's the truth!...now if you'll excuse me, I have some fire wood to find". He pulled out his hand and wood appeared. He handed it to me and smiled, "No need". I took it from him and returned to camp.

When I got there Hook was talking to Smee and Oscar. Marc and Navy where no where in sight. I approached them, Hook saw me and smiled.

I dropped wood down by the fire and joined in on their conversation, "What's going on?". Hook turned to me, "Marc and Navy went to scout the area...I see you got wood". I nodded.

I saw no need to tell Hook or anyone else about my encounter with Peter Pan, it was just a talk. But if Peter Pan was right, if Hook did have feelings for me, how would this change the situation?

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