Chapter 1

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Havana's POV 
It was a warm summer morning on a Friday.It was 9:30. I was just waking up when I heard my phone ding. I stretch and reach over on to my nightstand and grab my phone. It was a message from my mom. I unlocked my phone and opened the message. 


Hey honey, Im just trying to remind you that Andy is coming today at 2. Make sure you are ready.

                           Love you, mom.

Since i just woke up it took my brain a second for my brain to take it all in. Once i realized what it said I screamed and quickly got dressed. "LEILA! QUICK GET UP AND GET YOUR BUT DRESSED ANDY IS COMING!!" I yelled and pounded on her door. As i quickly ran down stairs Leila ran to the railing trying to put her pants on. 

"When is she coming?" Leila yelled. 

"She's coming at 2. Hurry and finish getting dressed we have to finish getting dressed and do your mind thing to help me clean up. Then we have to get groceries and the flowers she loves so we can make everything the way she likes it. You know how she is." I said rushing as i put things away. 

"I'm coming gez give me a sec. I'm going as fast as I can." Leila yelled back as she was running down the stairs. She snapped her fingers and everything was going to their spots. 

Andy is my grandmother. Her real name is Andrea Michelle Richardson, but everyone calls her andy. She is the head of all the magic on the whole west coast. She comes to see me to see how our magic has grown and how we have been able to control it. We've been doing well but she just needs to check on us. 

We finally got finished. "You go to the West point woods and get the lilies and get the other flowers she likes. I'll go to the store and get the groceries and we'll meet back here." Leila said. 

"Okay sounds like a plan." I said as i grabbed the basket and flower cutters along with my purse. I hug her and leave. She got in her car and left soon after. I was driving to the West Point forest and on the way there I couldn't help but enjoy the nice day. it was just so warm, sunny, and it was a great day. It took about an hour to get there. I got to the West Point forest and pulled to the side of the road. I got out and took in a deep breath of the forest air. I closed my eyes for a second to take it in and then i got the basket and took my shoes off and started to run into the forest. As i ran i could feel the dirt going in between my toes and feel the softness of the grass cushioned every step I took. I finally get to the flowers and start to fill the basket. As i was filling it i heard two men having a conversation. So i sat the basket down and walked over and hid behind a tree and looked around it. My curiosity got the better of me. The two men were buff and one looked like he was in his mid-twenties and the other like he was in his forties. They were well dressed and they looked like they belong in the city. I couldnt exactly hear what they were saying but while i was trying to listen a spider crawled up my arm and when i saw it i screamed and wiped it of me. While i was preoccupied with the spider, I managed to come out from behind the tree and the men had stopped talking. i calmed down and once i looked up from my arm the younger guy was in front of me. I froze. What now? 

I was getting walked around like i was the pray and he was a lion ready to pounce. "Umm, Im really sorry i just had a spider on me. I wasn't spying on you or anything I swear." I said putting my hands up trying to show i was innocent even though i was trying to ease drop. 

"do you think im stupid? i know you were sent here by my brother to spy on me so he could get the upper hand." the younger man said in an angry voice. 

"I'm sorry i dont know what you are talking about i have no idea who you are nor was i out here to watch you. i was here getting flowers cause my grandmother is coming into town and i have to get things done. So if you will please excuse me i have to go now. " i said and started to walk away. i didnt get two feet before he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. 

"Where do you think you are going? I don't trust you and i definitely don't buy that routine." he said holding my arm tighter as i squirmed. 

"So what are you going to do kill me?" i asked not really wanting to know the answer. i was pulling my arm away from him. but he would pull back. 

"I haven't decided yet. What do you think of all of this William?" he said as he looked from me to William.

"I think we should take her back with us and get the information out of her." The guy named william said. 

"Umm... i dont think im going anywhere with the two of you." i said as i kicked the young guy in the crotch and ran the other direction. I ran as fast as i could but i tripped over the root of a tree and hit my head on a rock when i fell. William was following me and behind him was the young guy. 

"Damian, i think she got knocked out." he said reaching down checking my pulse. "shes still alive."

"Well, pick her up and well take her back with us." Damian said. 

William picked me up and when he did my Crystal fell out of my pocket and it was left on the forest floor. 

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