Chapter 7

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Havana's POV 

"guys they are here are you ready?" Everyone nodded and got in position. Riker and his men and leila came in and i was siting on the couch and froze everyone from the shoulders down. I hobbled through the frozen people and get to leila. She had soulless eyes but if you looked deep enough you could see her holding on enough for the dust to work. i took the dust that was in my hand and blew it in her face. not only was it blown in her face but i made enough so that everyone could breathe it in. "Leila?" I could tell she was pushing back but the pill still had some hold on her and she broke through my ice and through me outside. once she broke through so did everyone else. "NOW!" i yelled. Everyone came out and started fighting. i was fighting leila and Riker. "Its you again." i was feeling enraged and the weather proved it. There was thunder and lightning was everywhere. Leila took control of me and tied me down. I was stuck in this rope that every time I moved it would cut me. Damian Was distracted and saw me he was tackled by Riker he was tied up with me along with his parents. Xavier was trying to get through to Leila, but was failing. Why wasn't that stupid potion working, damn it something has to work.

Leila's POV

The potion powder was barley working I could see Xavier trying to get me out of the trance I was in. Riker pushed a gun to my hands, "kill him". I knew I couldn't but I had no choice my body was already pointing the gun at him. I was screaming no as loud as I could but it wasn't coming out. Xavier pushed me to the ground took the gun and shot Riker killing him quickly. Riker's men ran away in fear they would be next. Rio was the first to run. I was still in kill mood, Xavier looked down at me with sad eyes. He pulled the gun to me and held it above my chest. "Leila snap out of it, please I don't want to do this." "Xavier wait!" havana yelled. She Quickly put many layers of ice around me. "You cant kill her! We can find a way to bring her back." she said as she tried to get out of the rope but it was cutting her with each movement she made. He came over and cut everyone out of the rope. "She's still in there you just have to give me time. That ice wont melt so we need to bring her inside" Havana said as it started to rain. "If there is still something we can do to save her then lets do it." Xavier said 

I felt so cold I could see everyone moving around me, the ice kept me from moving. The layers were taken off of me and Xavier took me inside. I was placed in a basement with a bed and a blanket. Across the room there was a table and a chair. Xavier laid me on the bed and stood away from me. I wanted nothing but to be held he shock his head and left me alone with my thoughts. I just aid there the pill was so strong it started to take over my thoughts. What am I going to do. 

Havana's POV

I have to come up with something, i need to find the spell. i was flipping through the book trying to find a more powerful spell to get her out of this. I was getting irritable and i think Damian could tell. "Baby?" "Yes?" i said as i kept looking through the book "You need to calm down and breathe. you're going to find it." He said turning my head to look at him. "I have to keep looking. I have to." I said i was on the verge of crying. he pulled he into a hug and kissed my forehead. "Shes saved my butt so many times. i have to do this." He kissed me and the pages of the spell book flipped and it opened the spell i needed. We broke the kiss and i looked at the book. "We did it!" I smiled and jumped into his arms and kissed him again. 

I was working on the spell and I heard screaming and things hitting a wall coming from the hall where Leila was. Xavier ran down the hall "Leila, baby girl calm down. It okay your fine". I could hear him trying to calm her. He cussed loudly and slammed the door, walking to the kitchen he held his arm. Damian walked to him with an ice pack. "What happened?" Xavier sat down at the table across from us. "she was freaking out everything in that room is destroyed".  I started to work faster tossing everything in, mixing it.

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