Chapter 4

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Leila' POV

I followed the beach trail. I had to get far away from him. My heart pulled to him but I couldn't get hurt not like my parents. When I was about 5 they died, my mother and father were special like me so when they found each other they were so happy. But my father he cheated on my mom, so they got a divorce but being away from each other killed them. So you can say they died of a broken heart. I don't want that to happen ive gone this long without a guy I can go me whole life without one. Finally finding the perfect spot to pull over I get off my bike and walk towards the waves. Havana found peace in the forest I found peace in the water. It helps me clear my head when everything is going crazy, I was grateful when Havana's took me in. They accepted me as one of there own and trained me along with Havana well Andy has always been tougher on me then Havana but maybe because she see's something in Havana and not me. "Leila?" Andy said as she walked up to me. She was speaking softer to me rather than yelling at me. "Yes ma'am?" I said still partly in my head. "You know why I'm so tough on you right?" She asked. I had a notion of what it was but i just shake my head no. "I know you think it's because you think I don't see anything in you but that's not true. I see you just like I see Havana but your power have a potential to be so much more so I'm trying to push you. I know my methods are tough but I do it so you can get better. I did the same thing with your mother. You and her are so much alike. I see her growing in you everyday." She said with a smile. I looked away and focus on the ocean," I found my soul mate today and...I cant accept him, I don't know him but I don't want to end up like my parents. They died of a broken heart and I cant thing of loving him then getting hurt, Havana found her and isn't afraid but I'm...I'm terrified. Beyond terrified I just don't know If I can accept him". She sat next to me and sighed" sweet Leila your mother did the same thing you did, your grandmother cheated on your grandfather and they died of a broken heart its up to you to break the curse that is in your blood". I nodded as she got up. "its time for me to leave again, ill see you soon". I turned around to say goodbye but she was already gone.

I stayed at the beach for a few hours after the sun had gone down, what was I going to do. Yes I can change the curse but now I have to find him. I don't remember where he lives.

Havana's POV
"Damian please just let me go see her I know where she is." I said trying to get out of the door. "If you go then you won't come back." He said with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Look I know you don't understand this now but when a girl like me finds her soul mate, when they touch there is a blue spark. That happened to you and I and I have accepted you for who you are so I have to come back." I said as I put a hand on his chest gently. "Well if the blue spark thing is true then that means Leila is my soul mate?" Said the Damian's older brother. "Yes, but she doesn't want to get hurt like her mother did. Its not my place to tell you, but she will tell you what happened in time. And don't you hurt her." I looked at him seriously for a second. "But she's at the beach that's where she goes to clear her head." I closed my eyes and I found where she was. "She's About 4 miles from here and she's looking for you. Please tell me your name?" "Thank you, Havana. And my name is Xavier Smith. I'm going to go talk to her and see how that goes." He said with a smile on his face. "Good luck. She can be a tough cookie." I said as he walked out of the door. Damian and I were alone in the kitchen and he was looking at me with loving eyes. "What?" I said smiling. "Nothing I've just been thinking that I have one beautiful soul mate." Damian said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed as I looked into his eyes he leaned in and we met in the middle with a kiss.

Xavier's POV
I'm getting closer I can feel it. I finally got to the beach and I walked, well I was running to find her. Leila. Just saying her name makes me smile. I finally saw her in the distance and I called out to her. She turned and looked at me. When I got closer to her I sat next to her and watched the waves. She was very on edge around me, I didn't want to scare her so I waited for her to speak first. " so I'm guessing Havana told you where I was". I nodded " yeah she said something about your mother and not turning out like her". Then I felt her breath out a heavy sigh like she was holding it forever. "There's a curse in my blood, in the end someone cheats one someone and when that happens to someone like me well we get a broken heart. And when you get a broken heart you slowly die so basically a broken heart kills you. I watched my mom die everyday at a young age. At first I didn't understand why should didn't wake up but now that I'm older I understand and I don't want that to happen to me. I cant keep pretending that I can move past this. This is very difficult my heart tells me to trust and fall but my family's history tells me to run." She sounded not only scared but broken. I wanted to ensure her that I wont leave her or hurt her but the job I have that I'm going to get or want to get. I'm a monster ive killed for reasons people don't understand. How can I let her know I'm here for her without scaring her. I want Damian to take second in charge since he's younger itll help with stress and his new girlfriend. I knew how scared she is to be heart broken, ive been heart broken and it left me broken. From that day on I promised never to love again but now I cant help to think she might be the right one to fall for. "I understand how you feel, but not exactly in the same way. How about we go out for dinner and just take it slow and see how it goes. but i want you to know im not the cheating type and i dont plan on cheating on you. I know the feeling and i dont want anyone to feel like i did." i said really sincerely. She looked at me and smiled softly. "Im sorry that happened to you and i think that dinner would be nice." she said that before we heard both of our stomachs growling. We both laughed and i stood up and gave her my hand and she took it. She's so beautiful. I think this will be the start of something new.

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