Chapter 2

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When we got to the house I just ran inside and hugged the first uncle I saw, I looked up to see it was Uncle Ben. He smiled hugely at me as he hugged me tight as he whispered, “we thought we were going to lose you Rae.” I raised my head to look at him, “ben you won’t lose her because it’ll be hard to get rid of this shorty.” Uncle Danny said as I ran over and hugged him. I hugged James and Sam, “get ready Rae we are going out!” Dad said as I sighed, “Dad every time you say that, it means I babysit you all while you get drunk.” I said softly, dad came over as he kissed my head, “I’ll stay sober I promise.” He whispered as I nodded going to my room. I changed into my Zombie skinnies with my black tank top with lace on the top and bottom. I put my button up grey shirt that said Rebellion on the back. I put on my powder Ivory foundation than my make-up; I went downstairs to see no one drinking I saw Samantha and Brittney. I smiled as I hugged them both; “So are you with your dad for good?” “Yeah, Except Christmas…” everyone nodded as we left the house as we left, I checked Twitter.

I saw my mothers newest post:

Lalaitsjessica: Today I lost my daughter in court, I’ll miss her…..

DSnop: I’m sure you miss her a lot because that picture you posted of you and Ryan you look so hurt.

I giggled as I looked at Danny as he high fived me as I posted:

TheLiddellPrincess: My Dad, Uncles and Aunts  are going to celebrate!!!! Thanks dad for being my everything<3

My dad hugged me as we got into the car as James got into the back of the car. “So how’s school?” James asked as I groaned. “I have school tomorrow” Dad chuckled as he pulled into Outback Steak House. I smiled as I hugged him after he parked. “So what did you get suspended for again?” Ben asked me, “For having an attitude of a daughter who has a rockstar dad.” “That’s the excuse they gave?” I shook my head, “No” my dad said, “For starting a food fight.” “well mom paid the fin e than told me I was a waste of money to spend time on.” I muttered as dad hugged me. We went in ordered ate than went to the park.

“Samantha?” I asked softly as she looked at me, “Yeah?” “Will you take a picture of dad and I?” She smiled as I handed her my phone as I hugged dad as she took a couple pictures. Dad still held me as he whispered; “my little princess I’m glad you live with me again.” I looked at my dad as I smiled, “I love you too dad.” He smiled back as I heard my mother’s Drunken Voice. “Cam give me my daughter NOW!” she slurred “Mom give it up and let me and dad be happy!” she smacked me as I let out a cry. Dad was suddenly in front of me, “Get out of here Jessica before I call the cops.” She just stood there, “You wouldn’t Cameron.” I stood up as I looked at her, “Go away or I WILL press charges on you.” She tried running but she just stumbled out of the park. I saw Ryan as I glared at him, “CONTROL YOUR WOMAN SEAMAN!” I screamed as I saw him glare at me as I flipped him off! Then I saw Ronnie, okay so I’m okay with Ronnie, Crissy, Jacky and Derek just not Ryan, and Ron. I waved at Ronnie as he just shook his head.

“Let’s get home I have school in the morning.” I mumbled as dad chuckled, “alright, James you still riding with us or you going to stay longer?” “I’ll stay.” He called as dad nodded, when dad and I got into the car he drove us home.


When I parked the car, Melissa and I got out; “See you in the morning dad.” She said as she hugged me and kissed my cheek. I grabbed a beer from the fridge as I drank it quickly before I went into my room; I laid in bed as I started to fall asleep I saw my door open and I prayed it wasn’t Taylor. “Dad?” I heard Rae say as I looked at her, “yeah princess?” “That chick isn’t in bed with you is she?” I coughed, “no, no she’s not Melissa.” I could hear her sigh in relief. “good cause last time you two kept me up all night.” I blushed as she shut my door and crawled into bed with me. “Dad?” She whispered as I looked at her, “Yeah Princess?” “I love you, I’m glad I’m with you instead of mom.” I smiled at her as I kissed her forehead. “Good Night Princess.” I mumbled as she snuggled into me. Once again when I was starting to fall asleep my door open to show Taylor, I got up carefully as I walked to her, “you need to leave Taylor.” I said as she pouted.

“You know pouting doesn’t look good on you.” I heard a tired voice say, I chuckled as Taylor gasped, “I’m leaving.” She stomped her food smashing mine as I cursed out. She left as I went into my room again shaking my head.


Dad crawled back into bed as I snuggled into my dad; as he kissed my forehead as I feel asleep.

When I woke again I looked at the time, 9:20am; I ran into my room showered, I put my strapless black bra on as I put on my black panties I put my Black Tripp Clary pants on with my Black Cross top on, I put on my heels and I put my space belt on, grabbing my backpack and grabbed my Rebellion coat. My school is freezing I swear the teachers was us to freeze to death. “Dad!” I yelled as I ran into his room again as I saw Taylor snuggled into him. I sighed, “DAD!” I screamed as he jumped up hitting Taylor in the face by accident. “What! Is something wrong? Did Taylor come back? Did she hurt you?” I giggled, “Yeah who the hell did you think you were snuggling with.” My dad graoned, “why are you dressed it’s the weekend.” “No its not dad I’m late for school!” He jumped up as he grabbed his keys throwing them to me. “Thanks, See you soon if  the school doesn’t call you first!” dad laughed as I ran out of the house and drove to school.

When I got to school I parked the car as I ran inside to see the most popular girl in school Kaylee, she glared at me, “Awe look at the little emo! She’s a fag just like her daddy and her uncles.” I made as fist as I punched her as she than attacked me as we continued fighting as I was pulled off as I tried getting out of whoever grabbed me arms. “Let go~” I snarled as I looked up to see Uncle Danny. “I came to drop your lunch off but instead I see you fighting, “She called you dad and everyone fags after she called me emo!” I snarled as I saw the principle as Kaylee and I went to his office while Uncle Danny called my dad. “Miss. Liddell you are going to be suspended again do your homework online.” I nodded as my dad and Taylor came in. Kaylee saw Taylor “MOM!” I looked at dad as he was shocked too. Came turned to her, “Stay away from me, My daughter and all of my friends. If I see you again I will press charges for trespassing.” Taylor’s eyes went wide as she glared at me.

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now