Chapter 4

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I took a deep breath in as I shook my head, “please leave before I call the cops.” I said as Kaylee ran to her car, “for what?” “Trespassing because technically you are!” She growled and left. Danny and Ben helped us bring in all the stuff inside. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked as they looked at me. “Too see if you’re packed for tomorrow.” “No, not yet.” Dad said as I giggled, as dad and I ate as Danny and ben left. I showered and changed into my penguin onesy before I started to pack, Dad laughed at me as he chuckled at me as he took a picture. I looked at my phone to see I was mentioned in a tweet:

@CamLiddell: Looks like my daughter found her Penguin onesy that @DSnop bought her

I laughed as my dad shook his head, as I crawled into bed, “did you get everything?” “Yes dad.” “Are you sure?” “Dad!” he laughed as I shook my head, as I crawled under the blanket as my dad kissed my head, “Love you princess.” I smiled “I love you too dad.” I said, I took a picture as I tweeted:

TheLiddellPrincess: The Penguin and the Princess @CamLiddell

I heard dad chuckled as I snuggled into him, “I love you dad.” I mumbled I didn’t hear what he said because I fell asleep. When I got up, I changed into my Harley Quinn Shirt that says ‘Bad’ on it with my black skirt with white lining and buttons. I put on my fishnet legging as I put on my red heels; I put my make-up on and my Blackheart glitter lip balm. I quickly put in my tongue ring and my snake bites in as dad came in as I was teasing my hair as he chuckled, “We are going to be on a plane not a club.” “Dad shut up!” I giggled as he smiled at me. I messed up his more as I put hair spray in his hair as I teased his hair. “Do I look fabulous now?” he said posing I took a picture and giggled, “Yes dad you look amazingly fabulous now.” He smiled as I nodded at myself as I smiled at myself as my dad came in. “Daddd!” I whined as he looked at me, “What Rae?” “Have I told you, you’re an amazing dad?” I said as he smiled, “Always.” He mumbled as he hugged me.

I ran to the door when I heard the doorbell, “I got it!!” “Don’t fall!” he yelled back as I opened the door to see Samantha and Brittney. “HIIIII!!!!” I said excitedly as they chuckled, “Alright you guys ready?” I shrugged, “I am but DAD IS TAKING FABULOUS TIME!!” I yelled as I giggled and when I went into dad’s bedroom as I got my bags as dad got his, “Let’s go so we can get there.” He mumbled as I nodded. We put our stuff in the taxi as I sat on Dad’s lap as I laid my head on his shoulder listening to Escape The Fate. When we got to the airport we got our bags and when we went through security and waited till our flight was called. When it was called we got on the plane as we waited till it took off when we were allowed to have our phones and stuff out I leaned  my head on Danny’s shoulder.

He took one of my head phones out and he grabbed my IPod and put on, Black Veil Brides. I fell asleep once again…When I woke I heard my phone beeping, I looked at it to see dad posted something along with James, Sam, and Ben. I groaned as I looked at it,

@BenBruce: It’s funny how her and her uncle are so much alike!!

JamesAFuckingA: Sleeping beauties

samAfuckingA: Got to love when @DSnop and @TheLiddellPrincess are the only ones who can get some sleep…

CamLiddell: Always happens when they sit next to one another, at least it wasn’t as bad as last time with @BenBruce….

I giggled as I smiled at them as Ben and I nodded at one another I got out some paper as I handed some to Ben as we started crumpling them up as we started a paper ball fight on the plane. When the plane attedents came through we stopped like nothing happened and then continue as if she never came by. When we landed dad pulled me off to the side, “We have a show to do before anything okay?” he said as I nodded, “okay dad;” I smiled as he hugged me, “More understanding than anyone.” I rolled my eyes as I smiled we got onto the tour bus as we left to the venue.

I got bored so I started to take pictures I took a picture of my dad and Ben as they flipped me off, “I’m offended I am only a teen!” they chuckled, as I got handed a laptop, “Homework.” Samantha said as I groaned I looked at the lap top to see my teacher, “What is that noise?” “Noise what noise?” I said as I smiled, “Oh you mean this?” I said turning the laptop around to see my dad and uncles on stage.
“I’m telling the Principal.” “Go ahead he knows.” I mumbled as I sat there bored till the principal came on. “your dad had a concert?” I nodded, “I’m also in my home land for some family stuff.” He nodded, “Alright do your work when you can.” He said shutting the web cam off as I squealed shutting the laptop off and doing my happy dance. I stopped to see Dad looking at me funny as Danny and Ben Laughing as I pouted. “Fuck off mate!” I yelled as they laughed harder.

I went on stage as I put my hands on my hips, as I heard the crowd go “OOOOOO” Danny mocked me as I splashed water on him as he playfully glared at me, “Who Thinks that Cam’s daughter needs a little crowd surfing?” I ran and hid behind dad as I felt him move and Danny grabbed me as he said, “You better catch her!” they all screamed as he threw me in the crowd as they were practically taring my clothes off. When I got back to the stage my clothes were torn as I glared at Danny as I walked onto the bus. “you did it now mate.” Ben said as I slammed the back room door and locked it…

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now