Chapter 21

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Its been about a week Rae went back into coma, as the guys just got here as I just sat next to her, “Still in a Coma?” James asked as I nodded. “She hasn’t come out of it yet.” I said softly, “have you slept Cam?” I shook my head, “Go home we will call you if she wakes.” I sighed as Sam said, “Have you called Leila? She’s been worried sick about you she won’t stop texting and calling us about you.” I sighed, “Just I don’t want to talk to her right now.” I said as they nodded as he came with me and drove me home. Leila was waiting inside once I got in I went straight for the bedroom as I shut and locked it so she couldn’t get in through that way. I went got some clothes took a shower got my boxers and sweats on I went into my room as I collapsed onto my bed. “What’s going on with him?” Leila asked Sam as I heard Sam sighed, “this is partly your fault too, you pushed Rae to the edge, you crossed the line and pushed Rae to do this!” he yelled as Leila gasped, “How did I have any part, I was just doing what Cam couldn’t!”

Sam snorted at her, “Well maybe you shouldn’t have, did you ever stop and think that he was just letting off some steam and didn’t mean it? Did it ever accrue to you what effect this would have on either of them? Huh? That’s what I thought I think you should leave Cameron will call you when he wants to talk to you.” He said as I heard a sob and the door slam shut. I sighed as I just looked on the ceiling as I felt my eyes get heavy before I knew it I passed out.


I was in this darkness once again I just want to go home to my dad, why can’t I do that. I was this shadowy figure come up to me, “Rae?” it said as I looked at it, “yes?” “Do you know why you’re here?” I shook my head, “I just want to go home I want to go back to my dad.” He chuckled, “Everything he caused everything his girlfriend caused and you want to go back to him?” I sighed, “look whoever you are, I get it my dad needed space and his girlfriend is just and idiot I just need to tell my dad I love him.” He sighed, “let’s watch what’s been going on.” It said as I nodded almost like a mirror type thing popped up as I saw the whole thing between Uncle Sam and dad’s girlfriend and my dad who didn’t get much sleep.” “do you still want to go back?” I nodded, “I do please just let me stay awake and never come back to this place till my time.” It chuckled as I think it bowed I blacked out and I opened my eyes to see Uncle Ben. I lifted my hand as I pulled his shirt. “God Rae I was so worried.” I just nodded before I started to choke on the tub down my throat. He got a nurse as the nurse pulled it out as I croaked, “Is dad here?” he sighed, “No but we can get him.” I just nodded as he got his cell phone out.

The nurse that was just in here came back with some water and handed me a cup; I drank the water as everyone came in as they all hugged me, “Thank god your awake.” I nodded as I just sat there looking at my hands, “I’m sorry.” I croaked as they all looked at me as Brandi said, “Hun we aren’t mad just scared out of our minds.” I nodded as she hugged me, “Rae Rae don’t ever scare us like that again.” Uncle Danny said as I nodded. After a while dad came in and everyone left the room: dad hugged me as I cried a little, “I’m sorry daddy.” He petted my hair, “It’s okay baby girl I forgive you.” I looked at him. “I-I didn’t mean to be a pain in the ass dad.” I said again as he kissed my head. My doctor came in; he looked me over as he left again, he came back in did a couple tests. When he came back in he said, “your daughter seems fine now but I suggest she doesn’t stay home alone.” My dad nodded, “Will she be okay for flying? My band and I are supposed to be In The UK she will be able to stay with my parents.”

“She will be fine for flying.” He nodded as he handed me a bag, the doctor took all the wires off me as I went into the bathroom as I changed into my panties and bra and my dads HUGE hoodie. I walked out as Danny said, “I got reservations at Outback Stake house.” “Thank god I’m hungry.” I mumbled as the nurse came in with a wheelchair as I sat in it as he pushed me the front of the building. Once we got there I got up, “one problem I don’t have shooes.” I said as dad laughed, “I accidently left them in the car. I nodded as I got into the car as Danny got in back with me as Myca got in front, dad drove us to the restaurant, we ate as we were done we paid and we went home and packed. Once I was packed we locked up everything got the cars into the garage and set the alarm; we called a Taxi as we waited Leila came to the house with packed bags, “I guess it’s time to break the bad news.” I shrugged as he looked at Leila, “Leila I can’t bring you my daughter isn’t supposed to be alone and everyone is doing their own thing.” She got pissed and slapped my dad. “No one hits my dad.” I said as Leila looked at me a little scared as I punched her for the second time. “Ever.” I said as she looked at me before getting her bags and herself into her car and leaving.

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now