Chapter 25

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When dad shut the door I just sighed as I went on twitter, replying to some people like usual as I put;

Rae Liddell (@TheOnlyLiddellPrincess): Hey guys First official day being out of the hospital in the beautiful London today tomorrow tour starts!!! I had a slight headache today but I’m doing great<3 Anyway I get to meet @Lovershavehaters while I’m in London at the show!! I’m super excited for that She’s the one who kept me sane for a couple years other than @CamAfuckingA, @thedannyworsnop, @JamesAfuckingA, @SamAfuckingA, @BenAfuckingA, @seemyB_Mah, @BrandiAnnetteTX, @ssamca. My family is the greatest thing in life right now <3

After I posted that Dad came in the door, “hey dad.” I said as he smiled at me, “I Thought you were out at the pub?” he chuckled, “I was but I didn’t feel like drinking tonight.” I raised my eyebrow, “dad you always drink.” He chuckled, “No not always.” I looked at him, “I was a month sober when you were in the hospital.” I smiled as he sat now, I got up and got him one of danny’s hidden beers. I handed it to him, “Drink one dad.” He laughed, “Danny is going to kill us.” “No he won’t he loves me too much.” Dad laughed as I smiled. “So tomorrow you meet Taylor?” I nodded as he said again, “Danny wants you to sing on stage tomorrow.” I looked at dad like he was crazy. “I’m serious.” I smiled. “YAY!!! Do I get to pick the song.” He shrugged as Danny came back into the room. “I thought you were drinking. “I was but I just felt like coming back. “What song do you want me to sing?” “It’s your pick.” I smiled hugely at him.

“Can I pick on off the new album?” he nodded, “I’m going to do ‘The Road.’” He smiled at me, “Nice pick little Liddell.” I smiled, as I shook my head. “hehe can I take over dad’s spot for Killing You?” I looked at dad as he laughed, “Sounds good to me.” He said as I squealed, “YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” they laughed at me as I stuck out my tongue, as I put on twitter,

Rae Liddlell (@TheOnlyLiddellPrincess):  I HAVE A FUCKING SURPRISE FOR ALL OF YOU TONIGHT!!! <3 @CamAfuckingA, @thedannyworsnop, @JamesAfuckingA, @SamAfuckingA, @BenAfuckingA, @seemyB_Mah, @BrandiAnnetteTX, @ssamca.

I ordered room service as Dad, Danny and I watched TV for a while, after room service came everyone bursted through our door, “What’s the surprise?” “It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you now would it?” I told ben as he pouted at me. I just smiled as we all went to bed. When I got up I got dressed into

After I got dressed we headed out to the stage to do a quick sound check, the manager told us the wrong day but it’s okay!! I did Vocal warming exercises with Danny as Ben just looked at us. I smiled at him as he shook his head as we continued, I felt dad kiss my head. I smiled at dad as he chuckled at me; when I watched them go onto stage I smiled and started rocking out like with the fans behind the stage. After a while Danny said, “SO my niece as a surprise for you all.” I smirked, as I went on stage, “Get away from my mike!” I yelled making him laugh I smiled, As we started ‘The Road’ the fans Cheered.

“Street signs, so many street signs pass me by every night and

 I know tomorrow I won't recognize the world

 Home bound, but I want to be home now

 Two more months of empty faces standing there screaming up at me

 And I don't know why

 I wanna go home I wanna sleep in my own bed

 I want a normal life again

 Is this the end? Is this the end?

 No matter how hard I try, all I know is the road

 All I know is the road

 Save me, can anyone save me?

 I don't know who I am anymore

 This was supposed to be the dream

 You don't see the pain in my eyes?

 You don't hear the pain in my words?

 I'm just stuck here cold and alone with no one beside me

 And I wanna go home

 I wanna go home I wanna sleep in my own bed

 I want a normal life again

 Is this the end? Is this the end?

 No matter how hard I try, all I know is the road

 All I know is the road

 And you wonder why I'm out of my mind?

 I wanna go home I wanna sleep in my own bed

 I want a normal life again

 Is this the end? Is this the end?

 No matter how hard I try, all I know is the road

 All I know is the road”

The crowd started cheering as I smiled as I hugged dad as he handed me his guitar as he kissed my head, “Don’t screw up James” I said playfully demandingly as he laughed, “You too Ben.” I said as he laughed as I smiled at Sam, “your okay you do good.” Sam laughed as he petted my head. As I laughed as we jammed out. After the song I handed dad’s guitar back as I hugged him as I hugged everyone. “Thanks guys you were amazing!!” I called as I went off stage as I was handed a towel as I wiped off my forehead as I went onto the bus and wiped off my make-up. I went back out as I saw them walking to the table as I walked over there too as I finally got over there as I smiled at them. They signed stuff as I began talking to fans. I heard the song ‘You Only Live Once’ By Suicide Silence on as I rocked out to it as dad and everyone laughed at me. “Don’t laugh at me, I love this song!!” dad smiled at me as I put my hair up. When we got to the bus again the manager had food waiting for us. “MMM food!” I drooled as dad laughed, “Oh yeah guys she is defiantly one of us.” Dad said as I snorted. “I was like you since birth!” they all laughed as I smiled.

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now