Chapter 13

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-time skip to May 20th-

I finally got my cast and I am able to walk on my foot/leg again, Jordan and I are still dating dad approves of him to everything is great so far. My hair is now Snow flake it’s an Ice White color with light blue, my dad is going to meet us at the school to watch me walk the stage. I put on my dress as I curled my hair, put on light make-up as I put on my black heels as Jordan came in, “Hi!” I giggled as he smiled at me, “You ready?” I shook my head, I got up and got my BMO backpack as I shoved my Black White Split Leg skinnies in it with my Asking Alexandria Death Of Me tank top and hoodie, and my Peirce The Veil belt. I put my Black Veil Brides Beanie on and put my BMO back pack on as Jordan chuckled at me, as we walked out to his car, “you’ll be amazing up there.” I blushed, “Thanks babe.” I giggled as I smiled. We went to the car after I grabbed my phone and keys. I locked the door; after I got in the car Jordan drove me to school. I saw the guys’ tour bus, I giggled as I heard, “Is that JB’s?” I laughed as I got out of the car. I went over to the bus, as I knocked, “It’s open Rae!” I laughed, “How does JB know her name she doesn’t even like him.”

I opened the door as I saw uncle Ben, “Awe it’s not him! It’s the freaks dad and uncles bus.” I started to Tear up as Jordan kissed my head, “Awe the emo kissed the other emo!” I bit my lip as Ben got off the bus as the girls started to drool, “You ever…EVER talk about my niece like that again and so help me I won’t hold back my wife from hitting you.” They all took a step back as Sammy came off the bus, “what am I doing now?” “Hitting one of these girls if they talk shit about Rae again.” Sammy glared at them as they ran away. “Were’s dad?” I new I always new, I got on the bus, “DADDDY!!!” I screamed as Danny and I started to playfully slap one another, a woman came out…I knew her that’s Ashleys dad. “Dad really you fucked the girl who put me in the hospital because I told her no you fucked her mom!” she looked at me, “Brat!” “Bitch!” I said as she glared at me, “Whore…” I looked at her as I stepped forward, “I can do what I did to your daughter to you.” I threatened her as she looked at my dad as he looked at “What did you just  say?” I said, “You are a dirty low life whore.” She said as my dad literally growled at her, as Brandi came out of no where and slapped her, “Don’t ever talk about my family.” She said, “Please she should have died in that car accident.”

I stood there as I started sobbing, as I fell onto my knees; dad pushed Ashley’s mom out of the way as he came over to me. “Sh Rae,” he whispered as I continued to sob. Ben and Sammy came over to m and hugged me. “What’s going on?” I heard Danny say as I looked at him. “What happen Rae?” I pointed to Ashley’s mom as Danny glared at her, “No one hurts Rae and gets away with it.” He said as she gulped. Sammy got up as she glared. “get out!” she scared as Ashley’s mom scrambled out the door. I got up as Jordan kissed my cheek before I went into the bathroom and sorted myself out; when I fixed my make-up and went out to living room. I looked at dad as he was just sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I sat next to him as he looked at me I just smiled, “I don’t know how you can’t be mad at me.” He whispered as I looked at him, “Dad, this is who you are.” I said as he smirked at me hugging me, “oh mom is coming too.” He groaned, “She forced it on me so don’t look at me.” He chuckled at me, “What you doing this summer?” “We have a lot of tours.” I sighed, “Could I go with Jordan to Warped Tour?” “I’ll think about it.” I giggled, “Thanks daddy!” he smiled at me as we got up I hugged everyone.

We went inside the school as everyone looked at me like I was crazy, I giggled as I saw they were looking at my uncles and dad. I giggled as Jordan took my hand after I got my cap and gown on; I took pictures with Jordan, Dad, Danny, Sam, Brittney, Ben, Sammy, James and Brandi (if it’s not her name please tell me so I can change it). I saw mom as I waved as everyone groaned, I laughed to myself as mom, Ryan, Ronnie, Crissy who was holding Willow, Ron, Jacky, and Derek. “hey guys!” I said as they all smiled at me, “Alright well go sit!” I giggled as Jordan kissed me one last time and my dad hugged me before he sat down

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now