Chapter 19

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I got up in the morning as I sighed, I’m all by myself again… I showered and changed into, my Rebel Saints laser back tube top, my spiked acid wash jeans. I got my converse on, eating quickly I than grabbed my purse as I locked up and went to the tattoo parlor as I walked in I saw dad’s uh whatever she is to him. I rolled my eyes as I saw Charlie laugh quietly at me, “Alright little one what are you getting this time?” I smiled, “I want one big star right here.” I pointed right between my eye and my hair line, and I want the British flag in it with two other stars one purple and the other teal, with a couple tiny stars around it, I also want this, I got out my Belle sticker I got from hot topic, “on my right inner forearm right below my quote.” He nodded, “AND! I also want this skull (see external link for all of these tattoos and her clothing) on my right shoulder.”  he chuckled at me as he nodded. “will you watch the kids tonight? Mary and I want to go out and that can be your payment to me for these.” I nodded, “Hell yes I love Teddy and Sandra.” He chuckled as he went back to sketch them out.

Rae Liddell (@TheLiddellPrincess): Getting tattoos done :) I’ll show you lovelies sometime ;P

I giggled to myself as I got up to see Leila standing right in front of me, “Something you need?” I asked as she looked at me and glared, “Yeah to get your act in shape your dad is sick of you.” I shrugged, “If he is so sick of me why hasn’t he kicked me out yet?” “Because he doesn’t want you living on the streets.” She snapped, “Look whoever the hell you are to my dad back off before I mess you pretty face up.” I said as she glared at me, “I wouldn’t if I were you I remember last year when someone got in her face she decked them in the face broke their nose, and trust me she deserved it, don’t put yourself on that list.” She rolled her eyes, “Don’t tell me what to do!” she yelled as Charlie motioned me over to him as I pushed her out of my way as I went over there. “Your father isn’t going to be pleased.” I shrugged, “I didn’t start it and she put herself on the list.” I mumbled as he sighed. As I heard her talking to probably my dad. “Your dad wants to talk to you.” She said as I just took her phone and threw it at her.” “if he wants to talk to me he can call me.” I said as she just glared at me.

My phone rang as I ignored it as Carlie started on my star tattoo’s, I tapped my foot to the music that was playing as I got out my phone as I saw my dad called me at least 14 times already. I rolled my eyes as I just put my phone on my lap as Charlie just sighed at me, “You are going to answer it sometime we don’t want your dad coming here.” I shrugged, “I don’t really care he’s taking Leila to the UK with him…” I said softly as I could tell he was shaking his head, “That isn’t right, you need to see your grandparents.” I sighed after a while he got done, “call your dad as I start the next tattoo. I held the phone to my right ear because I got my tattoo done on the left side. “Rae.” “Cam.” I said as I could tell he was pissed off. “what did you do to Leila?” “Nothing actually and if your so sick of me dad why don’t you kick me out or better yet why don’t you just give me back to my mother.” I said as I hung up.


When Rae hung up at me I was pissed off at Leila and Rae both, I threw my beer bottle at the wall making it shatter. “Whoa Cam! What happen?” “My girlfriend and daughter can’t get along because Leila opened her mouth and told Rae at the tattoo parlor that I was sick of here and that she should just live with her mom since I’m so sick of her. Then Leila goes off and puts herself on Rae’s I will hurt you if you piss me off list.” Ben just sighed, “What did Leila say to her in the first place.” I shook my head and shrugged, “I don’t know but they are pissing me off so fucking bad!” “come on Cam let’s go drink.” I nodded and got extremely wasted…

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now