Chapter 7

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When I woke I saw Jolie who was holding Kenadee, I looked at  them as I smiled sadly, Kenadee came onto the bed as she hugged me. I looked at Jolie, “Your father told me.” I nodded, “did you see daddy in heaven?” Kenadee asked as I smiled sadly. “Yes I did, he wanted me to tell you that he loves you.”  She giggled and got off the hospital bed and went to her mom. “I’ll see you soon?” I asked Jolie as she nodded, “I hope so.” I sighed as she left and I put my hand over my eyes, “Why did you thank me?”  Ben asked as I smiled, “Because like my dad you know when I’m in pain.” He chuckled as he nodded as dad came in the room. “You are going to check out by the doctor and see if you can leave soon.” I nodded as he sighed, “We have to leave we have to continue the video.” I nodded, “have fun.” He nodded as he handed me a new phone.” “Yours was crushed in the accident.” I nodded as he kissed my head and he left.

I looked at my texts 30 of them from Jordan, and 20 of them from mom and Andy. I sighed as I texted them back as I went on twitter as I saw all my notifications were from fans telling me to get well. I sighed as the doctor came in as I put my phone down, “well I’m glad you are up.” I smiled a little, “Yeah I heard my mom’s voice and her nagging brought me back.” I laughed as he chuckled, “I heard it was your uncle.” I sighed; “Yup my uncle Mitch, he is in heaven with all the other Rockstars.” I smiled sadly, “Well you can leave in a couple days, you will have to use crutch’s and lay in bed when it gets to be too much.” He said as I nodded, “alright.” He nodded as he left again…

~skipping a couple days~

I changed into a tropical dress as I went back into the hospital room dad was in there, “hey dad.” He smiled as I sat on the bed again he put on my converse and I had to sit in a wheel chair till we got outside. “I will get your crutches at the pharmacy.” Dad told me as he nodded, “You will be able to watch us finish the video today,” “Let me guess there will be naked woman?” He laughed, “IT’s a good video Rae.” I laughed, “Only because there will be half naked woman.” He sighed as he rolled his eyes and helped me into the back of the car. Danny was in front and Ben is in back as I laid my leg on Ben’s lap. “Oh now I’m your foot rest?” he asked as I nodded, “Yeah for now.” I said as he chuckled. I relaxed against the car as dad stopped at the pharmacy getting my crutches, after he got them we went to the studio as I got out and crutched my way into the studio and stood outside as my dad and uncles did there thing. I sighed as I sat on the hood of the car as my phone rang, “Hello?” “Hey Rae.” “Oh, Hi Jordan what’s up?” “I heard what happen are you okay?” “I’m fine, so what you up to?” “Still touring.” I laughed, “I mean besides that!” he chuckled, “Nothing much just relazing.” I smiled, “Have fun I’m going to watch my dad make his new music Video.” He chuckled as he followed with a sigh, “alright have fun.” I hung up as I stood in the entree way as I watched my dad and Uncles play.

I watched them till they took a break as dad grabbed a beer and walked over to me, “Dad if your drinking who is going to drive cause I can’t.” he chuckled, “It’s my only beer don’t worry.” I nodded as he hugged me kissing my head. “So what do you want to do for your birthday Next week?” I shrugged as he sighed, “Come on we have to do something.” I shrugged again, “surprise me.” I said as he groaned, “Okay fine.” he pouted as I giggled, “Dad pouting doesn’t do you any good here.” He chuckled as James and Sam came over, “did she tell you what she wanted to do?” “Surprise her.” Dad said as I laughed, “Yup, as long as mom isn’t there.” Dad rolled his eyes, “She will have to Rae; I don’t need her calling me bitching.” I groaned, “Fine.” I sighed as he chuckled, “Alright well we will plan later.” He smiled as dad put his beer on the ground as he left I picked it up so I wouldn’t knock it down.

I sighed as I mess with my dress, I hate not being able to do anything; I watched my dad have fun as I stayed here doing nothing. I looked at my cast as I groaned, “Stupid drunk driver.” I mumbled as I went to the car to sit in the front seat. I fell asleep….


When we got done with the music video I saw my beer was gone as I looked for Rae, I found her sleeping in the front seat and my beer on the top of the car.  I grabbed the beer and threw It away, “Guys I’m going to head home, Rae is asleep and it’s going to be hard on her.” They nodded, “we’ll go with you so we can move her stuff from upstairs to the living room.” I nodded as Danny got into the car along with Danny who got into the back. We headed to my place as the other guys followed me to the house.

Hey guys I’m sorry it’s short I hoppe you all can  forgive me :3

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now