Chapter 30 Final

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~skipping a few days~

We arrived at grandma’s as grandma looked at me as she looked at Cam and Leila. Grandpa and Grandma could tell I had bad vibes towards them as grandpa took dad as Grandma took Danny, Ben I into the Kitchen. “what’s going on?” she asked, “Didn’t dad tell you?” I asked as she looked confused. “of course not. I was in coma for almost a month because dad’s girlfriend kicked me out I almost died if it wasn’t for mom’s boyfriend Ryan.” She was tearing up as she hugged me as grandpa came in and he was angry. “That son of ours.” He said as he shook his head angrily. I shrugged, “This isn’t the first time, he’s always like this when it comes to his girlfriends or his fucks.” I said softly as Danny side hugged me. “I’m thinking about staying in the UK.” I told them as Grandma smiled, “You are always welcome here hun.” I smiled, “Thanks grandma.” She smiled. Danny bumped me with his shoulder as I looked at him.

“If I didn’t have to tour so much I would be here too.” I smiled, “Thanks Uncle Danny.” He laughed, “I’ll have mom stop by to see you.” Ben said as I smiled, “yay!!!” he laughed as I smiled. “my mom misses you!” I smiled as they laughed. “We’ll get your bags.” “Thanks.” I said softly as they smiled at me. They left as my grandparents smiled at me. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I nodded. “I think it’ll be good for all of us.” They nodded as they smiled, “Good now we can convert your dad’s room into yours.” I giggled as they laughed. “Here you know where the hard ware store is go grab some paint. Any color.” I smiled as they handed me some money.

I left as I went about 4 blocks till I got to the hard ware store I got some dark purple paint and some lavender paint. I paid the guy as I walked back to grandma and grandpa’s house. Dad was there alone, as he looked at me; “Are you really going to stay here?” I nodded, “You seem to not need me  you have your girlfriend and mom has a baby on the way and I am getting in the way. Plus I want to stay here for a while.” He nodded as he just walked off. I went inside as Danny and Ben looked at me, “your dad talk to you?” “Talk sure, if asking me if it’s really what I want is talking yeah.” They shook their head, “We put everything of your dads in the basement.” Grandma said as I nodded. We covered the floor with plastic and put tape around the windows.


I was scrubbing the blood out of the floor still as I sighed, my phone started to ring as I saw that it was Cam. “What’s up Cam?” he sighed, “If you have any mail for Rae send it to my mom. Jessica will have the address.” I saw Jessica come in as I put it on speaker. “Your on speaker dude tell us what happen?” Jessica sat on the floor by me, “The usual, I let Leila back into my life and Rae went off on me she told Danny and Ben she’s staying in the UK because of how much more it’s relaxed. She thinks Jessica doesn’t want her because the two of you are starting a family.” I looked at Jessica as her stare was just blank. “And she doesn’t want to stay with me because I’m the one who took the woman who put her in the hospital back into my life.” I sighed, “Alright I’ll send everything she had here to your moms.” “Wait…She’s staying with your mom?” “Yeah they are her grandparents Jessica.”

Jessica glared at the phone, “Why wouldn’t she want to stay with my parents?” “Your parents hate her because she’s more like me and Rae told me you burned her thousand dollar guitar I got her.” I looked at Jessica as she got wide eyed. “That was a long time ago Cam.” “Yeah well you owe me that money.” “I’ll pay you the money when you get back.” “Thanks Ryan, though you shouldn’t be paying her debts.” Jessica just looked like she was going to cry, “oh and Jessica?” “Yeah?” Her voice cracked. “Don’t fuck up with this child.” He said as he hung up as Jessica’s jaw just dropped. “Did he just.” I shrugged as I went back to scrubbing. “Why don’t you have someone do that?” Jessica said as I looked at her. “Because I’m out a thousand dollars.” She looked away as Derek came in with Ron. “Need help?” “That would be nice.” Jessica struggled to get up but when she did she slammed the door shut.

“What happen you guys fighting?” I sighed, “I’ll tell you when the others get here.” They nodded, When the rest of the guys came I sighed, “If you have anything for Rae I’ll get the address from Jessica to send it to Rae.” “Why what happen?” “She’s going to be living in the UK for now.” They all just looked/stared at me. “Your kidding?” I shook my head, “Jessica, Cam and I all fucked up and now she’s not coming back for a while.” Ronnie got his phone and walked out of the room.


My phone started ringing as I got it out of my pocket I answered it, “Yes?” “Hey Rae.” “Oh hey Ronnie.” I said as I continued painting as Danny splatted me with paint as I playfully glared at him. “So your staying in the UK huh?” I put my paint brush down as Danny looked at me, “How did you find out?” I asked, “Well one Leila put it on Twitter and two your dad told Jessica and Ryan.” “That figures, but right now staying in the UK is probably the best for me right now. My grandparent’s are amazing and letting me stay with them till I can get back on my feet.” He sighed, “Alright well all of us are going to send you your stuff.” “Alright thanks, I better go I’m a little busy.” I said as we said goodbye as I hung up as I shook my head.

“What happen now?” Danny asked as I shook my head, “Basically when you guys do the signing I’ll be getting asked why? All night long.” He sighed as he got his phone out. “Let’s go take a break.” Ben said as I nodded as I got my laptop out as we went on YouNow as I logged in as I started a video as I saw a LOT of people where one as the three of us sat there in silence as everyone kept asking us what’s going on? Why are we silent? I looked at the camera, “Look,” I said as everyone just stopped commenting, “I have to stay in the UK For a while to get back on my feet and become sane.” Ben put his hand on my shoulder. “This will be goodbye for now.” I said as a tear went down my cheek.” As I logged out as Ben and Danny hugged me. “We love you.” Danny said before we painted and we left. I looked at the sky as I just laid on the couch. I really meant this will be goodbye for now…I love you dad, mom, uncles, aunts, grandparents, my huge band family…


Hey guys I hope you loved the final chapter I promise I will make a sequel! Please tell me if you loved it or hated it. If you want me to make a sequel I would really love to know. Again I hope you enjoyed it or loved it please don’t forget to comment and Vote!!! –XIdobelieveinfairies

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now