chapter 5

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It was Saturday and also the day when Aaron and his family were moving in our neighbourhood. I was watching
Pretty Little Liars on my laptop when mom came from kitchen with a smile on her face.
"They are here." She was excited to meet them. "I should go welcome them."
"Mom." Me and Kris said at the same time.
"Melissa dear, have patience. Let them enter first then you can go and welcome them."
"Exactly mom. Dad is right" I said and Kris nodded in agreement. She pouted at dad and then went back to kitchen.
David Black, Aaron's dad had visited us the day after finalising the deal. He and dad went along very well. They
had bonded over sports and soon were discussing politics. Ten minutes after moving he came and visited us. Soon we were joined by Aaron, Amy, Suzy and Kate, Aaron's mother. Kate was very beautiful and elegant. Amy was very much like her mother in looks with golden locks, perfect body and greenish blue eyes. Their eyes were bewitching. Suzy, on the other hand, was like Aaron and David with brownish blonde hair and light brown eyes. They were indeed a very good looking family. Amy, Suzy and I got along very quickly. Aaron was talking to Kris, my dad and his own dad. They were discussing basketball. Kate went with my mom to help her in the kitchen. My mom had insisted them to have today's lunch and dinner with us. As the day went by we all went along very well with each other. We helped them unpack and set up the place. They all were nice and I really liked Aaron's mom. She was cool. We played video games with Aaron and his sisters after dinner. Around ten we bade them goodbye and they left. It was very nice and tiring day at the same time. We had a lot of fun. I changed into my night dress and was about to get in bed when my phone vibrated. It was message from Aaron.
I went to my window and saw Aaron waving at me from a window of a room which I'm assuming to be his from now on and I was right.
Aaron: OOOO GENIUS ;-)

It was Sunday and I loved to sleep till late.
"Rise and shine princess." My dad said while drawing off the curtains. The sunlight hit my eyes. I groaned.
"Dad please let me sleep. I have to wake up early tomorrow, again." I said while turning to other side.
"I wouldn't have bothered you dear but remember you promised Amy and Suzy yesterday that you will go shopping with them."
On hearing this I quickly got up.
"Oh shoot. I completely forgot." I had promised to go with them. I looked at the clock which showed that it was ten in the morning, I groaned in frustration. They would be here in half an hour.
"Now get ready quickly. You don't want to show them your speciality of always getting late just yet." My dad said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.
After twenty minutes I came downstairs wearing my black top and dark blue shorts. I had tied my hair in a messy bun and was wearing black leather boots. I had applied only mascara and eye liner. Amy arrived at exact 10:30.
"You ready?" She asked me. I nodded.
"You look hot by the way." She said with a wink. I smiled back.
Suzy was waiting in the car with Aaron. I hopped in the back seat with Amy and greeted them both.
"I didn't know you were coming with us." I said looking at Aaron. He was wearing white shirt and his hair was a mess but he was looking so hot.
"Me neither. They dragged me out of bed. " He said giving his sisters annoyed look.
We spent two hours in mall going from one shop to another. Amy had a great fashion sense. We bought dresses, actually they bought dresses, shoes and some cosmetics, and I just bought a dress. After mall we went to nearby café and ordered cold coffee.
We were talking and laughing. After sometime we went home.

"Bye mom. Bye dad." I said after giving each a kiss and went for school.
"Hey Kayla".
I turned and saw Aaron running towards me. I waved at him and he motioned me to stop.
"Hey." He said a little out of breath.
"Hey." I replied back.
"By the way you were looking hot yesterday and I forgot to mention that." He said with a smirk. I laughed.
"Took you one whole day to say that." He chuckled.
"What can I say you left me speechless."
"Are you flirting with me?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"What do you think?" He smirked. I slapped his arm playfully.
"Speaking of flirting, are you getting back together with Irelene?" I asked. He just shrugged.
"I don't know. I don't think so."
"Oh. I thought you were getting back together. You know she didn't date anyone after you."
"Really?" He asked clearly surprised. I nodded in confirmation. By this time we had reached school. Girls were staring at us.
"You know they are drooling over you." He gave a little laugh. We went to our respective lockers and got our
books and went to history class. Chaz, Sam and Jen were already there. We greeted each other. After five minutes
Irelene arrived. She sat with Chaz. I looked at Jen and she was observing them.
We all met in cafeteria. I was sitting with Jen on one side and Chaz on other side. Irelene sat between Chaz and Aaron who in turn was sitting with Sam.
"What do you think?" I whispered to Jen. She looked at me and then understood I was talking about Chaz and Irelene.
"I don't know. They keep passing each other looks. Hard to say." I nodded but deep down I knew something was
DEFINITELY going on between them. It hurt even thinking about it. I was lost in my thoughts when Chaz spoke to me.
"Hey Kayla. So you and Aaron are neighbours now."
"Yup we are."
"So what did you do yesterday?" He asked me. It were moments like these that made me like him even more. He
would always ask me about my days that we don't spend at school.
"I went to shopping with Aaron and his sisters."
"Cool." He said.
"She was looking hot yesterday." Aaron said while looking mischievously at me. I blushed.
"Is that so?" Chaz asked.
Aaron showed them my photo on his phone that I didn't even know he had clicked. It was taken when I was
standing outside dress shop. Chaz and Sam whistled. I blushed even more.
"You do look hot Kayla." Chaz said while still looking at my picture.
"Kayla I am definitely taking you to the dance with me."
Our school was organising a ball where everyone had to bring a date with them. I was shocked and I looked
at him with wide eyes. He smiled at me. I was so happy for I was going to the ball with Chaz. Chaz asked me to the ball! There was still one week left for that. Sam had already asked Jen.
"I would love to go with you." I said blushing a little.
Irelene was watching all this quietly but on hearing this she excused herself and Jen and me looked at each other.
I gave her the what-is-with-her look. She shrugged. Sam and Jen gave me a wicked and teasing smile. I narrowed my eyes and smiled back. I looked at Aaron he was playing with his phone. Chaz excused himself shortly after that and I was on cloud nine.

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