chapter 15

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I was walking towards Aaron's house when I saw Suzy and Amy leaving their house. They saw me and walked
towards me.
"Hey girl," Amy greeted me with a hug.
"Hey ya," I greeted her with one armed hug.
"Hey. How was the DATE?" Suzy asked me with a teasing smile. Amy raised an eyebrow.
"Wait. What date? Did Aaron ask you to the date? And no one cared to tell me." She pouted.
"Relax Amy. First, it was not the date. We were hanging out like friends," I said looking at Suzy and then looked at Amy and continued, "...And I was not with Aaron but Aiden." She looked confused.
"Who is Aiden?"
"Do you remember the waiter from that restaurant we ate in-"
"The hot waiter?" She asked before I could finish explaining.
"Yes. The hot waiter."
"Oh." She winked at me. "So what about him?"
I told her the whole story of how he asked Jen about me and how and where we met and what we did.
"He likes you," Suzy said with a smile. I blushed.
"By the way, where is Aaron?" I asked suddenly remembering why I was walking there in the first place.
"He left early. Practice." I was a little disappointed.
"Oh. He didn't text me today. Anyways, I'm late. I thought I will reach school on time today but..." I sighed.
"We can drop you. We are heading that way."
I got in the back seat and Suzy drove towards the school with Amy relaxing in the passenger's seat. Suzy stopped
the car near the school. We saw Aaron walking back from practice with Sam, Chaz and Jake. Suzy honked three
times to catch his attention. Aaron looked in our direction and Suzy waved at him. Aaron walked towards us followed by Sam.
I got out of the car and waited for them to join us.
"Hey," Aaron greeted me and I did the same.
"Hello Kayla."
"Hey Sam."
"Hello Sammy." Suzy said sticking her head out of the window.
"Hey bunny." Suzy pouted and Aaron chuckled. I looked questioningly at him.
"That's what he calls her," He said in a low voice.
"You should have seen her few years back then you wouldn't have asked me that." I smiled, clearly understanding what he meant.
"We should get going," Aaron said and his sisters waved us goodbye and they drove away.
We entered the building together. Chaz had already left with Jake.
"How was practice?"
"Hmph. I am tired," Sam sighed. I looked at Aaron.
"Me too. Coach made us run thirty laps."
"Poor you."
We went to our respective lockers, got our books and walked to our first class. Jen was sitting with Chaz. Irelene was not there yet. We greeted them and Chaz got up offering Sam his place. I sat with Aaron and Chaz sat behind us.
"Why didn't you text me in the morning that you were leaving early?" Aaron was looking straight ahead.
"I forgot."
"Okay." I don't know what got into me that time.
"How was the date?" Sam asked.
"Ugh. It was not a date. It was a friendly outing."
"Yeah like I am going to believe you." Sam rolled his eyes. I smacked him on head and everyone laughed.
"What happened yesterday. I want every little detail," Jen demanded.
Someone cleared the throat. We all looked up. Our teacher was staring at us. I gulped in nervousness.
"If you are done discussing shall I start teaching?" He gave us a stern glare.
"By all means sir, by all means please start teaching." Sam said faking innocence.
He shot daggers at Sam who smirked.
"Dude he's gonna kill you," Aaron whispered from behind to Sam who chuckled.
"Like I care dude."
"Look straight, he is staring at us," I whispered to them and they looked ahead.

"So what happened yesterday?" Jen asked while sliding her arm with mine. Aaron was walking besides us with his food tray in his hand.
We sat at the table where Sam and Chaz were sitting. Irelene had gone to visit her aunt so she was not present
today. I told them the whole story. Jen giggled and clapped her hands but then she looked at Aaron and stopped smiling. I was confused at the sudden change in her behavior.
I looked at Aaron. His jaw was set tight, his fists were clenched and his eyes... his eyes, they held different
emotion. Was it pain or anger, I couldn't say.
"Jen is Aaron alright?" I asked.
"Yeah. Why?" She sounded confused by my question.
"It is not nothing. No one asks such a question out of blue. So tell me." She crossed her arms over her chest and
looked at me with determination.
"Fine. It is just when you were laughing earlier you looked at Aaron and suddenly stopped laughing and Aaron didn't seem alright when I was talking about yesterday. "
"Umm... " She wanted to say something but then changed her mind. " I don't know what you are talking about. He seemed alright to me."
I nodded my head and then the question popped in my mind that I wanted to ask her.
"Hey Jen!"
"What was it that Sam was going to tell you yesterday."
A smile formed on her lips and she shook her head.
"Sorry babe but I can't tell you that."
I pouted. "That's cheating."
She chuckled.
"So what do you think of Aiden?"
"He is a nice guy."
"And?" She was hoping for more answers. I didn't know what to say. Though Aiden was a nice guy and single and I was over Chaz now but I still was not ready for any relationship.
"And.... Well he is Adelaide's brother and we know her. Aaron liked her and he is so great with kids. You should have seen him with kids, he looks so adorable." A smile
had formed on my lips that I hadn't noticed.
"Hello," Jen said waving her hand infront of my face.
"I'm talking about Aiden and not Aaron."
"Oh. Sorry. I got carried away."
"So?" She asked again raising her eywbrows.
"Well Aiden... Umm... I don't know what else to say. We had fun yesterday."
"You know that he likes you right?"
"I don't know he didn't say anything of the sort and for me he is just a friend."
"OKay." She answered emphasising on 'K'.
When we reached near the notice board which was near the main door there were many people gathered around. We went to check what was going on. There was a notice regarding our exam. It was starting in ten days.
"Ten Days?" Someone gasped from behind. I turned around and saw Stacy who was looking shocked. She
focused her eyes towards me and gave me a death glare. I looked away not bothering myself with her stupid looks.

"Seems you had fun yesterday?" Aaron asked propping himself on my bed. I was sitting on the couch that was alongside the window. I had walked home alone today because Aaron had practice after school again.
"Yes. I loved the park he took me to. It was peaceful and you know what Aiden is a nature lover like me."
"Oh. Good. You know that he likes you right?"
"Why is everyone saying that? He didn't say anything of the sort or did anything to show me that."
"But he likes you very much. I can tell." I shrugged my shoulders.
"It doesn't matter for now. He is my friend and when he says something... Well let's worry about that later."
He smiled at my answer.
"Oh I forgot to tell you. He is Adelaide's brother."
"What! The girl from the park right?"
I nodded in agreement.
"That's great."
"Yeah. He said he will bring her here tomorrow."
"He is coming here?" Anger again visible in his eyes. But why was he angry?
"Yeah. Is that a problem?"
I started checking my phone when I looked up my eyes met his light brown eyes. We stood like that for a moment till he looked away. I blushed a little.
"Kayla exam is starting in ten days and I need your help."
"Sure. With what?"
"Since I joined late so I missed on some stuff. Can you help me with that?"
"Yeah sure. I will be more than happy to help."
He smiled at me and I did the same.
"When are you going to tell me about your first love?" His head snapped up on hearing my question.
"Wh.. What?"
"Your first love?" I said with a smile.
"Some other time."
I pouted.

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