chapter 21

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I woke up to the delicious smell of freshly baked pancakes filling my nostrils. I tried to ignore the smell and
tried going back to sleep but of no use, the sweet smell made my stomach growl. I got out of my comfy bed and
went to bathroom. I took a quick shower and came out and quickly dressed in khaki shorts and black shirt. I put on black boots and combed my strawberry scented hair and left it loose to dry on its own. I grabbed my mobile phone from my night stand and left my bedroom to join my family downstairs.
As I came downstairs I heard more than three people laughing and talking. I heard Amy, Kris and my mom laughing. As I stepped down the last stair my eyes fell on Aaron, who looked devastatingly sexy in while V-neck T-shirt and my heart skipped a beat. He was talking to my dad when he saw me. He looked me up and down and gave a smile that warmed my heart. I blushed and smiled back.
“Good morning sweetie,” my mom greeted me while serving pancakes to others.
"Hey mom." I waved at her and walked towards others. I greeted them all and sat on a chair beside my dad. He gave me a side hug and I hugged him back.
“Good morning daddy.”
“Good morning princess. You’re up early today,” he said with a mocking smile and Aaron chuckled. I glared at him and he smirked.
“These delicious pancakes woke me up,” I said innocently holding pancake in my hand and they chuckled.
After breakfast, we all talked for a while and Amy and Kris finally announced to the whole family that they were dating. Everyone was happy for them and no one was surprised, like me, they had seen this coming.
I had called Jen yesterday and told her what had happened and now she was coming over with Irelene.
“Hey,” Aaron said sitting beside me on the stair.
“So what are the plans for today?”
“Umm… Jen and Irelene are coming over and then I have to talk to Aiden. What about you?”
“Jamie is coming later so I don’t have anything particular planned on. So what are you going to answer?”
I shrugged. “I’m not saying yes.”
“You’re not saying no either.”
“If I’m not saying yes then that obviously means I’m going to say no, Aaron.” He chuckled.
“So you are rejecting him looking like this?” He pointed at my clothes.
“What is wrong with them?” I asked looking at them.
"You’re looking hot that is what is wrong with them." I blushed and he chuckled when I hit his arm playfully.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” He asked suddenly getting serious. I looked up at him and met his brown eyes staring intently at me and I blushed.
Jen and Irelene arrived at that exact time. They greeted everyone including us and we all went to my
“So Aiden proposed,” Irelene said as soon as we stepped inside. She was all excited about me and Aiden.
“So what have you decided?”
"He is just a friend to me."
“C’mon Kayla, it’s Aiden we are talking about. He is nice, hot and you two look cute together,” Irelene said and Aaron scoffed. I looked at him.
“What was that for?” I asked him.
I turned back to Irelene.
“Kayla is there one percent chance that you want to date him?” Jen asked before I could reason with Irelene.
“I don’t know. You guys are supposed to help me out here by telling me what to do but instead, you are confusing me,” I whined.
“Kayla it should be your decision only.”
I looked at Aaron. “What do you think I should do?”
“You said you weren’t going to say yes so why are you confused now?”
“I say we vote. I’m on team Aiden.”
“Voting won’t help, Irelene. It should be her decision. That’s it.”
“Fine. I’ll call him.”
I dialed Aiden’s number and he picked up after three rings.
We decided to meet at the park. Jen, Irelene and Aaron went to Aaron’s home and I left for the park to meet Aiden.

I looked around but could not find Aiden so I sat on a nearby bench. I checked my phone and a notification
popped up on my screen from Instagram. I checked it and scrolled through other photographs.
“Hi.” Aiden said from behind me and I turned to look at him.
“Hey.” He walked in front of me and sat beside me.
“So what have you decided?” He went straight to the point and I was glad he did because I wasn’t sure what else to
talk about.
"Aiden you are a nice guy, a good friend and I like you-"
"But?" He cut me off. I looked at him. “C’mon I knew there was a but coming.”
“But I can’t return your feelings. I like you just as a friend and nothing more. I’m sorry Aiden.” He looked sad but
nodded his head and smiled.
“Don’t be. You can’t force yourself to like someone. Heart is a mysterious being.” He smiled again but his smile
didn’t reach his eyes. “But we can still be friends. Right?” He asked and I nodded with a smile.
“Of course.”
“Do you like someone else?” He asked all of a sudden.
“What? No.” I said quickly. He chuckled.
“Then there is no problem if I continue to pursue you and may be you will change your mind,” he said raising his eyebrow. I chuckled slightly.
“I don’t think that is going to work either.”
“Why? You said you don’t like anyone so what is the harm in trying?”
“I… I …” my mind drifted to Aaron. 'Why am I thinking about
him?' I thought.
“You like someone. Don’t you?” He said a bit seriously this time.
“Why would you say that?”
"First, you dodged my question this time and second, you don’t hate or dislike me, that I know, and yet you don’t want me to try even. So I guess you like someone."
I looked at him not sure what to say. Every time he said about liking someone, Aaron came to my mind. ‘Why can’t I just say no I don’t like anyone and why the hell does Aaron keep coming to my mind? What is wrong with me?’
“Is it Aaron?” He said slowly and my eyes flickered to his face.
“W… What? No, I don’t like him… that way.”
“Are you sure?”
“Fine. But I’ll keep trying to win your affection, don’t forget that.”
He finally smiled. “So what are you doing today?”
“Nothing special. What about you?” I asked.
“Same.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Oh no! I’ve to take Addy to her friend’s home,” he said remembering quickly. “I almost forgot.”
“Well I should be going then.”
“I’ll drop you.”
“No. it’s okay. My house is at a walking distance from here.”
“I know but I want to.”
I got into his car and so did he. It took us only four minutes to reach our destination. He dropped me home,
waved goodbye and drove away. I entered and saw mom and dad talking in kitchen.
“Hey mom. Hey dad.”
“Back already? I thought you were going to spend more time with Aaron,” my mom said.
“I wasn’t with Aaron. I went to meet Aiden.”
“Oh. I thought you were with Aaron.”
“Umm… speaking of him I’m going to his house.”
“Okay,” she said and with that I was out of the door and across the street to Aaron’s house.
“He is upstairs.” Amy said as soon as I entered and gave me the wicked grin. I rolled my eyes and made my way to
Aaron’s room.
“Hey Aaron,” I said as I opened his bedroom door. He was rearranging his CD’s in a neat stack.
“Ever heard of knocking?” He asked playfully.
“Yeah, I guess.” He smiled.
“So, how did it go?” He asked, continuing to do his job.
“Fine, I guess.” He looked at me.
“What was your answer?”
“What do you think?” I raised my eyebrows and he looked intensely at me. I blushed under his gaze and my heart started beating faster.
“You didn’t say yes, right?” He said slowly and… nervously?
“No.” He looked taken back.
“You… you said yes?” He gulped hard.
“What! No. I said no, as in I rejected him.” He seemed to relax at my response and smiled. I smiled back.
“What did he say?”
“Well. He said he still wanted to be friends and I agreed and also that he won’t give up yet.” He raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes angrily.
“Can’t he just accept the truth that you don’t like him?” he said angrily.
“Calm down.”
“Sorry. What else?”
“He… he thought I liked someone else.” He looked up at me.
“Do you?”
I looked at floor not wanting to meet his eyes that were fixated on me. I wanted to say no but for some strange
reason I wasn’t sure anymore. ‘Why was I having mixed feelings?’
“ Kayla?” He took a step towards me and I slowly lifted my head.
“Do you?” He asked again.
“I… I…” I was saved by the door bursting open and we both snapped our heads in its direction.
At the door stood a beautiful tall girl with blonde hair, deep blue eyes and perfect round lips. She looked gorgeous in blue top, that made her eyes even more beautiful if that was even possible, and black slim fit jeans and black boots. She smiled at Aaron and came running and hugged him. Aaron hugged her back. A new strange feeling stirred in my heart at the scene in front of me.
“Jamie,” He said after they moved apart.
I had thought Jamie was a boy but it turns out that I was wrong and here she is, hugging Aaron. She was perfect
and beautiful and Aaron’s childhood friend and very close one too. I don’t know why but I was jealous of this girl. But why was I jealous of the girl I barely knew? The girl I just saw, who was hugging Aaron?
And then the realization finally hit me. Aiden was right.
I like Aaron.

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