chapter 26

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A knock came on my door interrupting my train of thoughts. Since it was unlocked so I asked whoever it was to come in.
"It's open," I shouted from the other side of the door.
"Hey sweetie," my mom said peeking her head inside.
"Hey mom." She walked into my room and sat on the bed. I was already in my pajamas and combining my wet hair.
"So how was it?" she asked with a smile and a smile formed on my lips thinking about the events of the night.
"It was great, mom. Just perfect."
"I can see that." She winked at me and got up from the bed. "I'll be going now and you should sleep as well." I nodded and she kissed my forehead and left the room, closing the door behind her.
I walked towards my bed and glanced through the window towards Aaron's room. He was talking with someone, who I couldn't see, and his back was facing me. I sighed and got in the bed. I checked my phone and there was a text from Sam.
Sam: 'Will bring your car tomorrow.'
I sighed.
Me: 'Okay. I've to tell you something also.' I hit the send button and locked my phone, knowing Sam; he won't text back and probably will be in deep sleep already.
I was still thinking about the kiss when darkness engulfed me into a
peaceful slumber.
I woke up with a smile the next morning. I thought I was dreaming about the kiss until the last night's
events came flooding back. I looked at my phone and saw another text from Sam saying he would be here in an hour.
It was sent at 10 O'clock and checking the time, half an hour had already passed. Strange, no one woke me up
today, not that I'm complaining. As on cue, my mom walked in to my room. She was surprised to see me up already.
"Ah! You're up already."
"Looks like that."
"Good. Get ready and come have breakfast." I nodded and she left.
I started to walk towards the bathroom with my clothes on my arm and towel in my hand when my phone started to ring. It was Aaron and a smile made its way to my lips.
"Good morning."
"Good morning."
"Did sun rise from west today?"
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"You woke up on your own." Even he was surprised. Great!
"You seem surprised." He chuckled. "Wait. How do you...?"
"Look through your window." I took few steps back and stood at the window facing his room and there he was waving at me. I waved back. He looked smart and dashing in rust colored sleeveless hoodie.
"Wow! You look nice." I blushed and scoffed.
"Nice? I look like a total mess, a runaway from a jungle."
"Yet sexy." I rolled my eyes but blushed, glad he couldn't see that from across. My eyes fell on wall clock. It was 10:42.
"Shit! Sam will be here in like fifteen minutes. I've to get ready. See you later." He chuckled.
"See you later babe." We both were silent for few seconds as if we both wanted to say something else. I was the first one to break the silence.
"Umm...So goodbye."
"Yeah. Bye."
I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on light pink summer dress and ran downstairs to have breakfast. Sam could be here any minute now.
I was having breakfast when Sam entered. He greeted my mom and Kris, who had just woken up, and then fist bumped with me. He sat on the chair beside me and made himself at home. He took sandwich from my
plate and I slapped his hand away but he took it anyway. He took a huge bite and gave me a cheeky grin.
"Sandwich thief." I muttered under my breath and both my brother and Sam laughed. Sam handed me the keys to my car.
"I'm in love with your car."
"Don't let Jen hear that." He chuckled.
After finishing the breakfast we moved to my room. As soon as we entered I started hitting him.
"Hey. What happened? Why are you trying to kill me?" I kept hitting him and he ran to the other side of the bed.
"I hate you Sam." I said as I ran over to his side.
"Ouch! If I die, Jen'll kill you... stop Kayla." I finally stopped and pointed my finger at him.
"You." I spat.
"Yeah me."
"You knew Aaron was the one sending me gifts all these years and last year you were even the delivery man and
yet you never told me." I looked accusingly at him. He looked a little surprised.
"He told you that?"
"Yes Mister. He did." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"Well I can defend myself." He said raising his hands in surrender.
"Go on."
"He made me promise to never tell you."
"I know. But you could have said me in some other way."
"Like what?" Now it was his turn to cross his arms over his chest.
"I don't know. May be you could've told Jen and she could've told me and in this way you would have still kept
your promise."
"Well I don't have such a criminal mind." I rolled my eyes but smiled at the end.
"Tell me everything." He sat comfortably on the bed with
his arms behind his head and looked at me with a smirk. I told him everything that happened prior to the kiss.
"That's all?" He asked a bit disappointed.
"Wasn't that enough?" I asked but blushed a little thinking about the kiss.
"Yeah, but I thought-" He stopped talking once he saw me blushing. "Wait. You're hiding something from me. Aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes.
I took a deep breath. "Well, I may have left a little detail at the end."
He raised his eyebrow.
"We kissed." I said quickly, hoping he wouldn't hear but he being Sam; heard it correctly.
"You what?" He was silent and shocked. "OH MY GOD! And you said a little detail? It is the freaking breaking
news. You two kissed." I smiled shyly.
"Kayla, I want a treat."
"Treat? For what? It was just a kiss."
"Just a kiss? It was the kiss. Your first kiss."
"Yes it was my first kiss." I ran my finger over my lips and smiled. "But it didn't mean anything. Right?"
"Wrong. If he kissed you then it definitely means something. Tell him Kayla how you feel."
"What? No I can't." He gave me a glare.
"Ok. Ok. But first there is something I need to check."
We spent some more time together with him teasing me about Aaron most of the time.
"And before I forget, you're going shopping with Sakshi later today. She pleaded me to tell you."
"No problem. Tell her I'll be there after lunch."
"Okay cool. I've got to meet Jen. See you later."
"Bye." He hugged me and left.
I was in my room when Jamie knocked on the door.
"Hey. Come on in." I smiled at her.
"Hi." She walked in and smiled back.
"How are you?"
"I'm good. How are you? Tired after yesterday?"
"A bit but I think I'll pass." She gave me a smile.
"Umm... if you don't mind, can I ask you something? It's more like a favor."
"Yeah sure. Anything."
"Can you go shopping with me?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. I smiled at her.
"I would love to."
"I could've asked Amy and Suzy but Amy is on a date with your brother and Suzy has some work of her own. So I couldn't think of anyone else."
I placed my hand on her hand. "It's okay with me. I'm going shopping anyway with Sakshi later on. You can come too, it'll be fun."
"Thanks. I hope I'm no burder."
"Oh! Not at all."
She sat with me for some more time. I was itching to ask her about Aaron's whereabouts so I finally asked her.
"Where is Aaron by the way?"
"Chaz called him. So he left."
"Oh. Okay."
Jamie was fun hanging around with. We talked about some girly stuff and watched A Walk To Remember. We were both crying by the end of it. We looked at each other and started laughing.
"I'm always crying by the end of this movie."
"Me too. I love this movie and Shane West as well."
"Same here."

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