chapter 14

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The ride in Aiden's car was silent. He occasionally stole glances in my direction which I noticed from the corner of my eye.
"Where are we going?" I decided to break the silence and finally asked.
"To the place where I first saw you."
"Your restaurant?" He nodded in agreement.
"So tell me about yourself." He asked.
"What do you want to know?"
"Everything. I mean anything you would like to share."
"Well besides our names we don't know much about each other. So here it goes. I'm Kayla, as you already know. Kayla Matthews. And you have already met my friends. I have an older brother, Kris and my parents."
"Is that all?"
"All I could THINK of. But ask me more and I will answer. First tell me about yourself."
"Fair enough. I am Aiden Adams. I live with my mom and my little sister." I nodded my head.
"What about your dad?"
He was silent for a while then he looked at me with sad eyes. "He left us two years ago. He married another
"I am sorry."
"But we got half his property," he said with a smile, trying to hide the pain which he felt but I could see it in his eyes.
I didn't say anything. I just smiled.
He parked the car in the V.I.P area and got out. I was about to open the door when I saw him standing near my car window. He smiled at me and opened the car door for me.
I said my thanks to him and he smiled. A dimple appeared near his lips whenever he smiled, something I didn't notice earlier.
"Let's get inside," he said taking my hand and leading me inside.
"Sir?" The receptionist was surprised to see him. "I wasn't expecting you to be here today."
"Hello Maya." He said with a smile. "And please don't call me sir. Call me Aiden. How many times have I told you that?" Maya smiled at him and then looked at me from head to toe. After she examined me she smiled
"So AIDEN, what brings you here?"
"I'm here as a customer today and I would like a table for two."
"Sure. Let me escort you to your table."
She led us towards the centre of the hall to the table for two. Maya was beautiful girl, may be in her twenties. She had dark black straight hair, fair skin and grey eyes. She was a foot shorter than me and was wearing red shirt and black skirt.
Aiden held the chair for me and then sat opposite me.
"Thanks," Aiden said with a smile and she left us.
"It is a beautiful place," I said observing the paintings. The last time I was here I hadn't paid much attention to the restaurant. I was mainly focussed on food but today,
when I finally noticed it, it was very beautiful and GRAND. The walls were cream colored and the ceiling was
decorated with paintings of flowers and the floor was peach colored marble. There were huge flower vases with fresh flowers in corners and there were many chandeliers that hung from the ceiling but the largest chandelier hung directly above our table. It was in the shape of large lily. The walls were covered with elegant paintings.
"Thanks. My mom owns it now. I visit here once in a while."
We both looked at the owner of this voice. Aiden smiled at the boy who was walking towards us with a tray in his left hand. He was golden haired boy with high cheekbones and square jaw. He had golden eyes, the same shade as his hair. He smiled as he came near us.
"Henry. How are you man?" Aiden asked him.
"Fine. How are you?"
"Never been better."
"And who is this beauty?" He asked looking at me. I smiled at him.
"She is Kayla. She is my..." He looked at me not knowing what to say.
"I am his friend."
"A beautiful one."
I blushed at the compliment.
"Don't you have to take any orders?" Aiden said playfully.
"No. I just completed my shift and now I am thinking of joining you." He teased back. Aiden rolled his eyes and
Henry chuckled.
"I will leave you two alone or else your friend here will kill me." He said to me while getting up. "What can I get for you?"
"I thought your shift is over."
"Taking one more order won't hurt."
"Fine. Bring us the best dish of today's menu."
"So do you have any boyfriend?"
"Oh. I thought you and Aaron..."
"We are just friends," I cut him off.
"Good." He smiled to himself.
"You have any girlfriend?"
"I had one but we broke up."
"She cheated on me."
"Oh sorry."
"But I have moved on now." He said with a smile.
Our food arrived and we talked a bit about school while we ate.
"Let's go somewhere else," he said after finishing the food.
We got up. He paid the bill and after saying goodbye to Maya we left.
Aiden then took me to the park. It was extremely beautiful. There were trees everywhere and the sound of water
splashing against the rocks could be heard in distance. Me, being the nature lover found immense pleasure being there. There were not many people there, hardly five or six people were there, some taking photographs and some were enjoying the beauty in front of them just like I was.
"You are smiling." I hadn't noticed a smile had formed on my lips.
"I love to visit places like these. They are peaceful and calm."
"I like them too. I often visit here. It sets my heart at peace. It helps me clear my mind."

We sat for a while and listened to birds chirping. I was lost in my own world.
"You know when my father left us..." I turned to look at him and he was looking at the nearby tree. " was real hard for us all especially my mom. I loved my father very much and him leaving us broke me completely but I had to be strong for mom and for Addy. I used to come here for some peace. "
I held his hand and squeezed it.
"Is Addy your sister?"
"Yeah. Her name is Adelaide."
"Adelaide?" I said with a smile. Now I remember why Aiden's name sounded so familiar. He was Adelaide's brother, for whom she was waiting in the park.
"You know her?"
"How?" He was surprised.
"I met her in the park near my house. I was with Aaron that day and she was waiting for you so she came and sat with us."
"Yeah. I remember her talking about you. You are THE beautiful girl."
I gave a slight chuckle.
"She is a sweet girl. Aaron and I already love her."
"She is worth loving."
We sat there for some more time and then decided to go see the waterfall, from where the sound was coming.
We walked through some more trees and finally arrived at the clearing. There was a small beautiful garden that was covered with some rocks. At some distance there was the waterfall that was flowing between two huge rocks. The water was clear as crystal and it sparked at places where the streaks of the setting sun hit it. The view was mesmerising. We walked towards it until we were very close to it.
"This place is unblievable." I was awestruck.
"I agree." Aiden looked me in the eye. We stood there looking in each other's eyes for two seconds when my phone rang. We broke the eye contact and I looked at the phone. It was Aaron.
We grew silent.
"Umm... Are you back yet?" He sounded concerned.
"No. But we will be leaving shortly."
"Oh. Seems like you're having fun."
"Yeah. I will see you later."
He was silent for few seconds.
"Kayla." He said my name softly and it tugged at my heart.
He sounded as if he wanted to say something.
"Nothing. Be safe. Bye."
I looked at Aiden he was staring at me.
"It was Aaron," I said to Aiden without him asking me.
" Oh." He sounded little disappointed.
"I think we should go now."
"Yeah okay. As you wish."
We got in the car and drove towards my home. Aiden lived few blocks away from my home.
"I took your picture while you were talking to Aaron."
"Really? Pervert," I said playfully. He chuckled.
"It is a nice picture."
"Show me."
"No can do."
I pouted.
" Where did you see Aaron?"
"Near my home. Why?"
"Nothing." I said with a smile but in reality I was very curious to know why he was there and why he lied to me.
Aiden stopped the car outside my house.
"I really had a good time."
"Me too. I hope we could hang out again," Aiden said
"I would love that."
He smiled at me.
I got out and said thanks to him. We bade each other goodbye and he drove away.
I looked at Aaron's window and felt slight movement there. I saw curtains swishing but nobody was there. I
thought I saw Aaron but may be I was imagining things.
I went to my room in high spirits. It really was a good and peaceful day. I tried calling Aaron but he didnt pick up.
I went downstairs after getting freshen up and ate dinner. When I went back to my room I saw a text from Aaron.
Aaron: Sorry was busy. Will talk tomorrow.
Me: Okay. See you tomorrow.

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