chapter 18

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"Hey." Sam's voice came from behind. I turned around and saw Sam running towards me in the school hallway. I had completed my exam, that went quite well, and was walking to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, also that was where we all had decided to meet.
"Hey Sam." I said while hugging him. He was panting and inhaled loudly.
"So how was the exam?" He asked putting his arm over my shoulder.
"Great actually. What about you?"
"Not great but good enough," He said with a smile.
"What about others? They completed their's yet?" I asked turning my head to look back towards the class.
"Aaron and Irelene were still writing when I left. I don't know about Jen and Chaz. They were not in the same
class as me."
"Mine neither."
"Hey I forgot to inform you. Aunt Sakshi is getting married." He said with a bright smile.
His aunt, Sakshi, lived three blocks from his house with her parents. She was his paternal aunt. She was a beautiful and friendly person and a dentist. She had raven black hair that went up to her waist and had dark brown eyes just like Sam. I was very close to his family, especially his parents and Sakshi.
"Really? Wow! That's great." I replied with a huge smile.
"Yeah and you are invited of course." I rolled my eyes at that.
"Like I need an invitation. I will be there anyway , after all it's Sakshi's wedding." He chuckled.
"When is the wedding?"
"In twenty days I guess but it isn't finalised yet."
Hindus have some ritual where they match the birth dates and time of birth of bride and groom to see what will be the perfect day and time to get married. They match the kundlis.
Sam and I were eating fries and diet coke when Irelene joined us. She greeted us and sat next to me. She asked us about our exam and we did the same. Her exam had went well as well. Soon we were joined by Aaron, Jen and Chaz.
"Summer break FINALLY." Chaz shouted and soon the whole cafeteria yelled and joined in the excitement.
Aaron and I walked home from school like always. We talked about school, exam and some random stuff. Aaron
was walking beside me and his right hand brushed against my left one, a current passed through me at the touch and I blushed a little. The scene from yesterday flashed in my mind and I blushed even more. I peeked at Aaron he had a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"Umm... So what are your plans for the Summer break?" He asked looking at me. I looked up at him and my heart skipped a beat when I looked in his light brown mesmerising eyes that were the shade of honey in the sunlight.
"I... I don't know. No particular plan. What about you?" I stammered.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Jamie is coming so we'll hang out ."
We were standing near my doorsteps. He looked at me and hugged me. I wrapped my arm around him.
"See you later." He said near my ear and I shivered as his hot breath hit my neck. I was speechless and I just nodded.
I watched him walk away and entered the house. My mom was reading the book on the couch.
"Hey honey." She closed her book and lifted her right arm to hug me.
"Hey mom." She kissed my cheek. She asked me about the exam and I walked towards the stairs to go to my room.
"Hey." She called when I was near the stairs. I turned back.
"Yes mom?"
"Remember what is in four days?" She asked excitedly.
"Umm... Yeah. My birthday." I said matter-of-factly. She rolled her eyes at my lack of enthusiasm.
"Seriously? Show some excitement. It is not everyday that one turns eighteen."
"What does it matter mom? You know I don't care for such things."
"Whatever. We are throwing a party." She said with a huge smile.
"No. Mom you know I don't like huge parties. I want it simple and to celebrate it with people I care about, my family and friends."
"I'll pretend that I didn't hear you. We are throwing a grand party. Invite all your classmates and whoever you want to. Some family members are also coming."
"Mom. Please." I groaned.
"I'm not listening." She said and opened her book to read again and completely ignoring my protests.
"Whatever. Do whatever you want. Don't complain when you see me sulking in the corner." She chuckled.
"Who knows you will meet the mystery man." She said with a wink.
Every year on my birthday, since five years, someone drops the gift for me at my door. I tried to find him but to
no avail and so he is still a mystery to me.
Five years ago on my birthday when everyone had left and I was going to my room someone rang the bell. I opened the door but no one was there, instead there was only a big teddy bear, which is still in my room right now, lying at my doorstep with a card that read 'Happy Birthdat Kayla.'
Same thing happened for next four years, except the gifts were different every year. They included crystal vase, wind chime, painting and silver star pendent with a silver chain.
"May be." I smiled at the idea of meeting him. I really wanted to meet him.
"So you are saying yes to the party?"
"Like I have a choice. Now can I please go to my room and sleep?"
I was tired and wanted to sleep so bad. She chuckled and nodded.

I woke up to the sound of laughter. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Aaron standing near my bed with is phone in his hand.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked sleepily.
"At you. You drool in your sleep." He started to laugh again.
It was true and no one knew about it. I wiped my mouth quickly with the back of my hand and blushed with embarassement.
"No I don't." I said sternly. He laughed and sat beside me.
"I have a proof."
"And that is?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"My phone."
"What? You clicked a picture of me?" I asked with wide eyes.
He nodded with a smirk.
"Give me the phone." I demanded. He shook his head.
"Give. Me. The. Phone. Aaron."
He shook his head again and got up and ran towards the door. I ran after him. He ran down the stairs.
"I hate you Aaron."
"I love you too." I stopped in my tracks and so did my heart and then it started to beat faster and danced with joy at his words even though I knew he didn't mean it.
He had reached near the couch already and looked back at me.
"What happened? Tired already?" He said with a smirk.
Even his smirk seemed to capture my heart. 'What is happening to me?' I thought.
"You wish." He chuckled and sat on the couch. I walked and sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around my
shoulder and I leaned a little towards him.
"Delete that photo."
"I'll think about it." I hit his chest playfully.
"Ouch. That hurt." He faked the pain.
"You deserve it." He mock gasped and I rolled my eyes with a smile.
He switched on the TV and Pirates Of Caribbean- On The Stranger's Tides was playing.
"I love his acting." He said looking at the screen. He was talking about Jhonny Depp.
"Who doesn't? He is great."
"So about the party, your mom said you agreed."
I looked up at him.
"Like she was going to listen to me if I had said no."
"That's right." He said with a chuckle.
"Hey Aaron?" I said after a while.
"Speaking of birthday, you never gave me any gift." I sat straight, crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him with a teasing smile. He blushed a little.
"Umm... Yeah. I didn't know what to get you."
"Really? The only present you ever gave me was a pencil box that I loved very much."
He looked taken aback.
"You loved that? We were little that time." He sounded surprised.
"Yeah and I still have it." He smiled a little.
"And all this time I thought you didn't like it and that is why I never gave you anything. I didn't want to embarass myself."
"C'mon I wasn't a spoiled brat." He laughed and I joined him as well.
He wrapped his arm over my shoulder again and pulled me towards him. I laid my head in the nape of his neck and watched the movie.

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