Chapter 6

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Rose smiled – this was more like it!

"Seriously?  You're asking me about psychics?  Go on then, I'm in."

"You find it amusing Miss Tyler?  Ever heard of one called Steven Connelly?  He claims the deceased boy told him he'd been killed by someone he knew and then been put in a boat.  We've not established where he was killed yet but most of the time a child has been killed by someone they know and trust."

"So, how did he die?"

"He was strangled, most likely by a man since the marks indicate large hands, too big for a woman or even an older child.  As I told you, we will be looking at another scene shortly."

"So anyone reported a boat missing?" Rose mused.

"We'll be looking into that as well," Ellie told her, amused that Rose and Alec were making eye contact with each other, they must have met previously she thought.

After further discussion, Rose got up.  "Well, I'll get my director to call your chief and assure her my being here won't interfere with police procedures and they'll be no costs involved.  I've already explained this is something new to us, this is a test, so to speak but you'll get our full attention.  I'll meet you back here on Monday morning and I'll have someone look into the Connelly bloke, see if we've heard of him.  Do you think he's a crank?"

"Well I do," Ellie replied as Rose got up and Alec did at the same time.

"Well if he's made any similar predictions, we'll have him on record somewhere and I'd seriously look into the boat being used.  Right, I'm off to find a decent latte, any suggestions?"

Ellie smiled.  "Try the bistro just outside, I go there."

"Thanks.  Would you like to join me?"

Ellie looked at Alec.  "No, I'm good, I have work to do then I'd like to spend the afternoon with my family," Ellie told her.

Alec also shook his head and Ellie looked at him.

"Guess I'm on my own then?  Can I see the CCTV footage when you get it back?"

"Sure and we're looking for any other cameras that may have spotted Danny shortly before we suspect he died.  We'll let you know if we find anything at the hut.  Good day Miss Tyler," Alec told her, holding out his hand.

Rose took it, wondering why he was being so formal with her to the point it didn't look like he was fooling his DS.  As Rose walked out, Ellie turned to him.

"Go after her you idiot, she meant for you to go join her, not me."

"Don't be so daft Miller, why would she be inviting me?"

"You're male, she'd hardly be inviting me, would she?  Go on, you'll catch up to her and don't screw it up."

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