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I woke up in the morning to another beautiful day. I turned around and Stephanie wasn't in her bed. I went outside and everyone was gone. I went downstairs and saw Logan standing there making an omelet.

"Hey" I said. He turned around.

"Oh hey"

"Where's everybody?"

"Oh they all went to rehearsal. I was gonna go too but I didn't have to, so I stayed home. Stephanie went with them too. Just to see how how everything works", he looks down, "Oh, I made you breakfast"

"Oh! Thanks" I went upstairs, brushed my teeth and then came back downstairs. I got my omelet and turkey bacon that Logan had made and sat down. Logan came with his plate too. It kind of worried me how he hadn't had breakfast either. He was obviously waiting to have it with me. We ate and talked until we were full to the stomach.

"Thank you so much Logan, the food was great" I said happily.

"Dont mention it" then we headed to the couch and turned on the TV. We were watching another movie when the commercial break came and I muted the TV. Then Logan looked at me.

"Um, Nat, I got something for you" he pulled out a small box and opened it. It had a beautiful silver necklace in it with a cursive 'Natalie' written on the bottom.

"Oh my gosh Logan. Is that for me?"

"Of course it's for you"

"Thank you. It's beautiful. But why? All of a sudden?"

"Because. Because I..... It's a gift for you. It's so you can know that I... I have some serious feelings for you and I really like you. And like, I like like you, you know? Because.. I uh... Yeah"

Nope. I refuse. No way is this happening. He held it out for me to hold but then I shook my head.

"I want you to put it on me" he smiled really big and slowly reached for my neck. He put it on me and then pulled away. He looked at me and said,

"It's looks gorgeous"

"Thank you so much" I leaned in and grabbed his neck as he grabbed my waist and I gave him a sweet hug.

(Kendall POV)

We came back from rehearsal and found a surprise when we walked through the door. It was Logan and Natalie snuggling. And it wasn't like a friend hug, you could tell it was a legit-amine hug and that ticked me off. It meant Logan had made his move. It's weird cause we all know that each of us likes Natalie but for some reason we never admit it to one another. After a while of us all standing there awkwardly, I cleared my throat really loudly. They both jumped and looked our way.

"Oh hey guys!," said Natalie. Logan didn't say anything and when he looked at me he started to blush.

"Uh hey Steph, can I talk to you upstairs in our room?", said Natalie. Stephanie nodded and they both headed up stairs. Then we heard a loud scream, "OMG! NAT!"

(Natalie POV)

I told Stephanie and the second I let out one word she started freaking out.


"Stephanie shut up! Theyll hear!" but Stephane didn't care.

"I told you, I told you, I told you! I just know they all like you. Two down, two to go. I say Kendall is up next"

"I dont know....."

"Nat, you can't possibly still deny the fact they all like you"

"Yeah. I guess. I just feel like its too good to believe"


Yeah I know it's short but I had to make it that way. :'( So again, I'd really appreciate if you could comment anything about the story. Soooooo, Bye!

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