The Date

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I woke up at 4:45 in the morning. I crept to Kendall's room to find him laying on the bed fast asleep. I silently giggle as I see him laying down shirtless. I go near his bed to wake him up.

"Kendall" I say shoving his legs. His eyes open. He looks at me and then closes his eyes again. It was weird because it's impossible for me to wake up this early in the morning but I was too excited to spend time with Kendall.

"Kendall wake up" he kept his eyes closed but still nodded.

"Ugh, wake up!" I grab his arms and lift him.

"Okay, I'm coming"

"Hurry up, the sunrise might leave!" he rubbed his eyes and I ran downstairs, holding his hand. He clumsily came behind me. I unset the the security alarm and opened the front door. It was still dark outside so I sat on the front porch. I looked back at Kendall standing in the doorway and patted the spot next to me.


"Yeah, it's kind of cold outside let me get a jacket" he went back in and came out with a grey sweatshirt on. He brought me another one of his sweatshirts and I put it on.

"Why couldn't we just watch the sunset like normal people do? Why the sunrise?" Kendall asked lazily.

"Because sunsets are depressing" Kendall sighed. Finally, I could see the black sky become a slight light blue. I smiled,

"It's starting" it was beautiful. Right in front of us was the main road with the beach ahead. The ocean filled the horizon and light was peeking its way out. My face was turned into a huge grin. I look left at Kendall to see him already looking at me. He does a cute sideways smile and puts his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine. There was only one word to explain the situation. Perfect. It was perfect.

(Kendall POV)

I put my arm around her as she puts her head on my shoulder. I put my head on her head and smile. Natalie was right, sunsets are depressing but sunrises cheer you up. They get you excited about the day. Especially when your going to spend the day with the awesomest girl.

After the sunrise ended and the sky was filled with light, I ask Natalie,

"So.. What do we do now?"

"We go back to sleep and wake up at 10"

"But I'm not sleepy anymore"

"Well, neither am I but what else can we do?"

"Do you mind if I take you to my room madam?" I say bowing jokingly. She rolls her eyes.

"Sure. Why not" we head upstairs to my room. Natalie walks in and sits on my bed.

(Natalie's POV)

"So, what'd you bring me for?"

"Well, I dont know. We can talk or something cause there's nothing else to do"

"Oh so you wanna talk. Okay, what would you like to talk about?"

"You" I smile,

"Okay, you can ask me questions and I'll answer" I say.

"Right.. What do you love"

"Um.. How about the person asking me this question" and from there we went on and on. I learned more about Kendall then I could've in any magazine or article. There was something really different about Kendall that I really liked. He was nice and funny and cute. And he definitely knew how to make a girl smile. We talked and talked until we finally fell asleep.


My eyes flutter a little until they finally open. It takes me time to pull myself together and understand where I was. I was laying in Kendall's room on his bed. Kendall lay beside me. His head was where my feet were and his arm was resting on my legs.

I wonder what time it is, I thought. Kendall'a phone was right by his head and I reach out to get it. At least I tried reaching. I was worried I might wake up Kendall. I finally manage to get the phone and check the time.

It was 10:12.

"Dammit, Kendall wake up, we're late!"

"What? What time is it?"

"10- Well now it's 10:13" Kendall rubbed his eyes for a moment and pushed himself to get up.

"I'll be right back, I need to get ready" I say. I go to my room and then my suitcase in the closet. I grab the first thing that comes in my hand and throw it on in the bathroom.

It was a T shirt/jersey with the Lakers logo on the front and Brian written in the back. I had on white jeans with the purple shirt and decided to wear Nike sneakers. My hair was in a high ponytail with a purple headband to match the shirt.

I take a light sweatshirt for the ice rink and my black bag. I throw it over my right shoulder and let the bottom hang on my left hip.

Kendall's door is slightly open and I bust in.

"Kendall, I'm ready" I whisper.

"Yeah so am I"

(Kendall's POV)

I go around the other way to see Natalie standing there waiting for me. Was she really wearing what I thought she was wearing?

"Nat, is that a Lakers shirt?"

"Yeah. I mean I like the Heat too, but I prefer Lakers"

"Wow.. Okay come on" we get in the car and to the ice rink. Funny thing was that, there were no cars parked. I look and Natalie and she looks confused.

"Is it closed?" she asks.

"Are you serious?" I say.

"No, hold on. Drive to the entrance" I go back the other way to see the opening hours.

"Kendall, you stay in here and I'll go see when it opens" she climbs out the car to see the the schedule. She turns back around with a frown and crosses the street to my car.

"Is it closed?" I ask.

"Yeah, I saw the time for Monday to Thursday at home. Saturdays it opens at one"

"Good job"

"Oh, shut up"

"Where do we go now?"

"The bowling ally's still open, right?"

"Yeah probably"

"Okay let's go there then" we drive to the bowling ally and to our relief it's open. We go in, pay, get our shoes, and, on Natalie's request, get some French fries. We had paid for two games.

First round Natalie won making about 150 points. She never got anything but strikes and spares. Second round I won, being 4 points ahead of Natalie.

Finally we were done and headed to the ice rink, talking about the game. Thankfully, the ice rink had opened. We went inside, paid, got our skates, etc. As we were going in the actual rink, I told Natalie,

"Nat, I'm not really good at skating"

"Great, but I am"

"Natalie!" I was trying to get her to do something else.

"I'm not stupid, idiot. I know what your trying to do" she grabs my hand with her hand letting our fingers tangle into each others and skates while doing so. I smile looking at her. She had let her hair open, of course and was wearing a black beanie. Her front brown and blond hair was sticking out of it. She had brought along a black sweatshirt that matched the beanie. Her bag hung across her body. Her blue green eyes stood out on her outfit and the silver speck and on her nose and eyebrow could only be seen in a certain angle. All in all, she looked amazing as always.

"Think you can handle yourself now?" she asks me.

"Yeah, I got what I wanted" she rolls her eyes but still smiles.


We had finished skating and next in our list was the movies. I was worried Natalie would pick a romance movie but instead she chose to watch Thor the Dark World. I didn't complain as I loved superhero movies. We got the popcorn and watched the movie.

Then we went to dinner. At Subway.

"Subway, really? Very original, Nat"

"It was your choice also!"

As we were eating we started to talk. Natalie went over some points I had to follow if I wanted to be her boyfriend.

"Okay, I'll start with 'babe'. I can't STAND being called 'babe' or 'baby'. If you wanna give me a nickname give me something like 'Star' for my last name. I would like that. Also sex is not an option"

"I agree with that one" I add.

"I know right? Like if people wanna have sex, why cant they wait until they get married"

"Yeah. So Nat, if I call you 'Star", what'll you call me?"

"Can I call you shitty?"

"Pardon?" I say as I start to laugh.

"Sorry, it's just", she starts to laugh also, "Kendall, listen! Stop laughing, I have a reason. Its because after our kiss, me and Steph were talking about if me and you ever date what I would call you and I randomly came up with 'Schmidty' for like you know your last name. And then Steph thought I said shitty and then she kept laughing. So it's kind of like... Yeah"

(Natalies POV)

I was really enjoying the date so far. It was already evening and the sun was setting.

"Ugh, I hate this time of the day" I say.

"Because of the sunset?" asks Kendall.

"Yeah.. Kendall, remember you said yesterday that after dinner you had a little something to show me?"

"Oh that. Well I was telling the guys where I was planning to take you and what the 'little something' was but then James said he already showed you"


"The hilly place... Where be told you he liked you"


".....That's depressing"

"I know. I was disappointed"

"I would be too"

"Its getting late. We should go home"

"Yeah" we got up and thanked the person behind the counter. We finally got to the front step of the house. Kendall was about to open the door when I said,

"Shitty?" Kendall chuckled and turned around.

(Kendalls POV)

"Yeah?" Natalie takes a step towards me and places her soft hand on my face. I close my eyes for a second letting my body fill with warmth.

"Thanks" she says.

"No problem, Star" I smile at her as she lightly giggles at me. Then I lean in and kiss her. The same joy rushes through me as it did the day of our first kiss. I can smell Natalie's scent from her body. I place my hand on Natalie's soft and silky hair as she places one of hers on mine and the other around my neck. I wrap my other arm around her waist pulling her closer to me then we already were. Finally we broke apart. I smile down at her as she grins at me. Then we're interrupted by the sound of movement behind us.



Oof, I'm exhausted. I stayed up all night writing this. Well I really hoped you liked and quick shout out to Bigtimerush101 for voting my story. ;)

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