The One to Choose

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It had been a couple days ever since I found out everyone liked me. Stephanie had finally found her ring under the couch. No one had any idea how it got there. Anyway, other than that, James, Carlos, and Logan would always smile at me but Kendall was doing the complete opposite. In fact, he wasn't even talking to me, more so, he wasn't even looking at me. Stephanie said he had given up the chance of being together with me because all the other boys had got their turn.

Stephanie also had said that it had come time for me to choose who to be with. I found that really stupid.

"I don't have to 'choose' anyone. Thats just stupid. I can stay friends with all of them" I said. It was nighttime. It was pouring rain outside and Steph and I were in out room.

"Ooooh, your gonna go with the friendzone theory. Yeah, their gonna get pissed. I say you should get in a relationship with one of them"

"But then the rest of them will feel bad"

"No they won't. All they wanna see is you happy"

"Whatever. I'm not planning on getting a boyfriend soon so please dont get your hopes up" Stephanie was about to reply but I get off the bed to stare out the window. I was thinking about what Stephanie kept saying but then something triggered my thoughts.

Kendall was sitting on the bench out by the front porch in the pouring rain. Even from here I could see him shivering in the cold.

I ran out the room, ran downstairs, got an umbrella and went out the door.

The rain droplets were so heavy, it felt like they would break through the umbrella. I kept a tight grip and slowly walked to the bench Kendall was sitting on. From behind, I could see his head was drooped down.

"Kendall?" his head jerked backwards when he heard me say his name.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked.

"What am I doing here? Well I'm here to ask what your doing here. It's pouring!" i answered. He slowly turned back around.


I walk up in front of him. I was wearing the grey shawl that I had on the day I escaped my father and decide to wrap it around Kendall, drying him as I go. I realized he was acting like he had no reaction to anything. I started to get mad. Than I said, "Whats wrong? You haven't talked to me or even looked at me ever since that night. I don't know what I did but I guess I'd like to apologize if it means i can get you to even have eye contact with me!"

He looked to his right and said, "That wasn't the only thing that happened that night"

I stayed silent for the longest time and then quietly said,

"I know" he looked up in surprise and then stood up.

"How?" he asked.

"Security camera, genius" he looked embarrassed. This was kind of cute actually. Me and him under the umbrella together that I was holding. My other hand still on the grey shawl that was wrapped around him. He looked down at me again and said,

"Your nervous" I looked down and saw the hand that was holding the umbrella was also clutching tightly to the locket.

"Yeah, I may be" I replied breathlessly.

"Kendall?", he looked at me, "Can I ask you a favor?.... I don't wanna hear those words indirectly"

He stayed silent for a moment looking at me and then said,


"Yeah?", I say smiling.

He gulped,
".... I know this may sound cheesy but, I- I love you" I felt like my heart had stopped beating. All of a sudden I let go of the umbrella letting it fly away. Then I did the only thing that came into my mind. I kissed him.

Nuclear bombs. Thousands, no, millions of nuclear bombs were exploding inside of me. From my head to my toe. Every inch of me was hit by sparks.

The rain was still pouring, drenching our skin. But I found warmth in there somewhere. Warmth that was slowly and slowly climbing its way through by body. And It was coming from one source. Kendall's lips. He wrapped his hands around my waist, lifting me off the ground. My hands found their way to his face. I gently held it in my hands, our lips connected. The rain was falling on our heads and faces but we didn't care. The only thing that mattered in this world was Kendall. His soft lips against mine.

Then we broke apart.

I looked him straight in the eye.

"Sorry", I said akwardly, "it was too tempting" he slightly smiled.

"How about we head back in. It's getting pretty cold now"

"Right" he gave me an awkward nod we got back in the house and he went to his room and I went to the bathroom to change. All I could think about was the kiss. How it was just so perfect. Finally I came out of the bathroom and went to my bed. I couldn't sleep. I was too excited, and when I'm excited there's only one thing i do.

Wake up Stephanie.

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