July 20th 2013

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July 20th 2013

If there ever was a day I wish that I could have anyone by my side today would indeed be that day. I miss people. I miss having a conversation, making jokes, laughing, hugging, gossiping and just being a normal person. I miss not having to live in a cave on top of a mountain. I miss not having to hunt for my food and taking normal baths. Ugh... A hot bath would be nice.  A person would be nice... we don't even have to get along. The can be annyoing for all I care... I am just sick of being alone.  As far as the whole beast thing. I haven't seen anymore villages on fire. Although from up here they look like little fire flies. I wonder what the pople think is happening. If any of them died or maybe they escaped. Many of them were taken prisoner by my father. I feel like a coward just sitting up in my cave hiding. I am so unsure of what to do. I feel lost. How do I stop him. Tomorrow I will go down to the little firefly villages. Maybe find a survivor or two. Then I will leave the safety of my cave and start tracking the army's movment. It shouldn't be too hard to track the beasts....as long as they don't track me first.


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