7: Rumpelstilskin

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"Ok" Emma said, untying me, "let's go get Henry". Emma and I followed Snow, Charming and Regina through the forest.

We all stopped when we saw Rumpelstiltskin standing in the middle of the forest.

"What are you doing?" David asked slowly. "I am stuck here for a few more minuets" Rumple replied.

"Umm why"? I asked. "Because my son-Wait who are you"? Rumple said. "My name is Kate Jones" I said.

"Hmm" Rumple said before Emma blurted out "She's Hook's Daughter".

Rumple unfroze and walked over to me. "Get away from me you creepy old man" I said.

"Shut up little girl" Rumple said. "Gold get away from her" Emma said stepping in between us.

I turned away from Rumple and ran away from the group. "Kate"! Emma yelled after me.

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