She was, She is

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Forgive me, this is really long, but I needed to get this out. Whatever is in parenthesis is what still is, and tripled parenthesis is what is now turned good from the past. The rest is the past. Only some of the past. I dare not reveal all.

She was always that kid.

You know...

The incredibly shy one.

(She dislikes most of humanity now)

The one who never got kissed when love was young.

(Still hasn't)

The one who got left behind.

(((Not too often now)))

The one abandoned in childhood games.

(She plays nobodies games)

The girl who was so shy, yet desperately longed for companionship.

(She still desperately hopes for this)

The one whom no boy ever thought about liking, especially when there were prettier fish in the sea.

(The boys hardly give her a second glance)

The girl who read way too much, and got in trouble for it at home.

(((Still reads, no troubles now)))

The one who arrived at school with swollen eyes and puffy, tear streaked cheeks.

(Does waking up like this count?)

The girl who preferred to hang with the guys.

(She still prefers guys, but anxiety, horrible communication skills, awkwardness, and no beauty has prevented her from talking to all but two)

The girl who always went hungry in order to give up her lunch to ones without.

(Will still do so, unless she has pizza;)

The girl who clumsily embarrassed herself all the time.

(On a daily, hourly basis)

The girl who had to miss recess daily because she was 'too dumb' to be able to finish her schoolwork in time.

(Only misses 'recess' when quite ill now)

The one who could never really finish lunch because she was so sick.

(She still cannot, but gets berated because everyone claims she's 'too skinny' and tries to shove more food down her throat.)

That horse crazy girl.

(((She is no longer horse crazy - they are her passion and life)))

The girl who was head over heels for a guy with whom she knew she had no chance with, but kept on dreaming anyways.

(11 years later and she's still a fool in love)

The girl who teachers yelled at because she cried over simple things.

(((No, now her teachers are the best)))

The girl who always had a bag packed, in case she ever mustered up the courage to run away.

(She has no bags, just thoughts now)

The one who always ran to the nurses office.

(Does always going to doctors and hospitals count?)

The girl who got picked on constantly because everyone knew she was too weak to stand up for herself.

(In a way, yes)

The girl whom teachers both loved and despised for her personality.

(((She's pretty sure she's a teacher's pet now)))

The girl who wondered on a daily basis if her parents even loved her.

(Not daily now, but still on occasion)

The one who went home at the end of the day, only to be smothered by 1-3 hours of homework.

(Depends on the week)

The one who got teased mercilessly by her brother for not being able to play.

(Teased, in other forms)

The girl who poked herself with knives wondering how much it could possibly hurt to thrust one into her chest.

(Yes-plus other things)

The one who feared for her grades.

(She is terrified, yet couldn't care less)

The girl who always held her so called 'friendships' together, because the others could care less if they broke her heart and trust.

(90% of the time, she still is that person)

The girl terrified to show weakness of any sort.

(She still hates to show any weakness, yet just wants to be understood)

The girl who went home, clung to her trusty dog, and sobbed into her silken fur, because she was good at comforting and keeping secrets.

(Now the dog is a him:)

The girl who got in trouble for being ill.

(On occasions, yes)

The one who sobbed herself to sleep each night.

(She still does)

That weird girl whom everyone politely tolerated, in hopes she would go away.

(More than likely still quite true)

The girl who had to battle her mind every damn day.

(She just wants to delete her mind)

The righteous, godly girl who screamed at God, asking him why he was cruel enough to force her to stay alive.

(Screams no more, just muffled sobs beneath a shield of cracked hands)

The girl who wondered why she was born.

(Usually a crosses-her-mind-four-times-a-day thought)

The girl who was too clingy, for fear her 'friends' would abandon her once more.

(She still is, and is ashamed and scared)

The one who prayed that the Lord would take her home while she slept.

(Her lips still utter a silent prayer)

The girl who cared way too much about how other people were doing.

(Still does, even though she knows she never even crosses their mind)

The girl who loved everyone unconditionally, no matter how much they hurt her.

(She never learned her lesson)

She was and still is the reject deemed unworthy of living.


                                                                                               -Not much has changed.

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