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An unwilling heart

A heart of old.

One turns to dust,

The other shines like gold.

Ones cogs and coils are covered in rust,

The others overflows with a fountain of love.

Yet the unwilling heart always gets what it wants.

While the other wanders aimlessly among the stars.

The unwilling heart will soon find a love,

Its cogs and coils will burst forth from their rusty graves,

And will spin once more for the one they adore,

While the heart which overflows with love

and gives it freely is doomed to the never ending spinning

of wheels and coils - the excess of love will keep the heart forever running.




And the soul which posses it will soon grow weary of giving so much love,

but never receiving any in return.


the only way to still the gears forevermore is to pass peacefully

to the other side of the silent river.

The only way to stop ourselves

is to travel to the land of the heavenly hosts.

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